WTFR Interviewing Orlando from RAW MILK CONSPIRACY (band) 03-05-2024

7 months ago

Joss from WTFR is interviewing Orlando from a freedom band called Raw Milk Conspiracy. To be honest, the conversation we had was very different to what I expected. Sure we spoke about music, but we also ventured into topics like the WHO Pandemic Treaty which is due to be ratified very soon. We spoke about morality, spirituality, & whether we thought the people would win the fight against fascist tyranny - which is exactly where the world has been heading in recent times; quite literally, mergers of corporate & state power.

Thanks to Willsy from ResistanceGB for organising this conversation.

The title track (Miss Information Whore) from Raw Milk Conspiracy's forthcoming EP can be found here

The WHO problem...

Link for "Road To Geneva" anti WHO protest

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