Brilliantly Beautiful

8 months ago

Joy! Joy is such a beautiful thing, God joy that just bubbles up in our soul coming from deep within our inner spiritual core. I sometimes think joy is the laughter of God. Isn’t that a beautiful thought. Whenever you hear a baby laugh and giggle, it always commands your full attention, taking your focus off of everything and your heart smiles. It is so wonderful to hear a child laugh, they are so free, they are at liberty to be joyful, because in their innocence of child like faith, they trust freely and bloom brilliantly in God’s Joy, the laughter of God. Heart To Heart, The Light within causes us to bloom beautifully in God’s Joy just like this rose bush has bloomed so beautifully and shines out joy to all! Jesus is our light within our heart, our joy, our strength.

Praise of God is a good conductor of JOY, of releasing the JOY, the laughter of God. Letting go of all things us, our worldly viewpoint, and looking up to God in abandonment 🙌 of our world and in unconditional love and Awe of God. It is in that total abandonment of our will to God, the yielding of our lives to God that our hearts are filled with light as we look up to Him, connecting to Him, heart to heart, this is when we bloom brilliantly in the beauty of our unique God design.

There are times when God will correct our course and prune us back so we can grow more beautiful, bloom brightly and huge in His love, peace and joy. Hard times prune us and bring forth a beautiful growth in our personal shape and God design, and this is why we patiently endure, waiting on God, yielding to His methods of opportunity to grow, to brilliantly bloom, in His beauty, joy and strength, being a fragrance of God, beautiful in spirit and hope.

God takes personal care with us! God is personal. He is our Father God, Who cares for us daily. We are never not cared for by our Father God. Do you know He has chased us throughout the beginning of time, always had a plan to be with us, to be our God. There is great JOY in knowing that.

I love seeing when a baby holds up its hands to their father and the father picks up that child and hugs him, this is kind of like what joy is, a joy we can see that comes out of pure trust. That child held up their hands and their father picked them up. They had no doubt that would be the response. It is the same for us with our Father God. No Doubt About It. God loves us immensely, unconditionally, and abundantly. Oh, the JOY of that. When we receive this Father God love, we can bloom beautifully in it, we have the freedom in our soul to become everything He has designed us to be. From rose bud to full bloom magnificence.

Children are so free to be joyful and grow and bloom in their destiny because they innocently trust, in a pure belief not tainted by the world, they trust that they will be taken care of by their Father God. They trust in their Father and His care of them. Oh, the joy of childlike faith! God’s Joy is like that. Joy is the freedom to raise our hands to our heavenly Father, to wholly-holy believe in Who He is and fully trust Him with our today, to know that He will embrace us, and take care of us, provide for us and equip us in that way only He can. JOY is that stability deep down in our soul in our personal relationship with God which strengthens our inner spiritual core in the laughter and love of God. We live, laugh and love in Christ Jesus.

Joy. No one can take it from You, it is God-given, it is the laughter and strength of God. Happiness is a fleeting thing, it is a feeling and it comes and goes and it is dependent upon our changing life situations. Happiness is unstable. But God JOY stays, His JOY remains even through the hard times of our lives, God’s joy remains, steady, strong and true and when we tap into it, it nourishes our soul and we can bloom like a beautiful yellow rose in the friendship of God, heart to heart with Him.

That is why the JOY of the Lord is our strength, because it is completely from God and is not dependent on anything in this world. So let your JOY be full today because Jesus Christ, He lives in You, He will never forsake you, never betray you, never not love you well. Bloom in the friendship of God, the love of God, the JOY of God. Be beautiful today in the fragrance of Awe-God!

Experience JOY today as you walk heart to heart with God and hear the laughter of God, let it move you in a way fickle emotions could never do. Know God Personally And Bloom Brilliantly In His Way, Truth And Life. God bless ya.

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“When we bless God for mercies, we usually prolong them. When we bless God for miseries, we usually end them. Praise is the honey of life which a devout heart extracts from every bloom of providence and grace.” Author: Charles Spurgeon

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