What in the World Are They Spraying? GeoEngineering Chemtrails Documentary

9 months ago

All in the guise of Geoengineering to block out the Sun to Prevent Climate Change. Anyone buying that b.s. they are telling their pilots?

They are dumping Aluminum, Barium and tons of other chemical industrial wastes and biological sh*t all over the planet.

Our plants are being stunted but no worries, they already as you can see in this documentary, which was going on 15 years already, have developed GMO seeds which produce plants that "Resist Chemtrail Toxicity."

So not only are they poisoning the planet with their little special agenda of you know what, but they are profiting from their GMO agenda. Anything to rebel against God's Nature.

This is a 2010 documentary that was produced by G. Edward Griffin, Michael Murphy and Paul Wittenberger. The documentary sets out to answer those questions and discovers some disturbing answers.

Since this documentary, much more has come out. There will be links to below to many more.

This documentary investigates all aspects of the phenomenon of chemtrails. Over the past few decades and more, long white trails emanating from jet planes have been seen lingering in the skies all over the planet, often expanding and merging to form vast swathes of artificial cloud cover.

These trails are clearly not water vapor contrails, which evaporate after several minutes. They remain overhead for long extended periods of time, often culminating in strange grid like formations. Now they have people asking some serious questions.

What are these trails, who is spraying them into our atmosphere and for what purpose?

See what the Spirit of Compassion told Anthony William about Chemtrails, when they started, what they are dumping and for what purpose → Learn the TRUTH about Chemtrails, when they started, how they started and why they started. https://mrnavac.blogspot.com/2021/09/truth-about-chemtrais.html

Research indicates that the trails are part of a geoengineering program that may already be in its initial implementation phase. But there may be nefarious reasons that has nothing to do with geoengineering.

Scientists at the Carnegie Institution are using taxpayer money to lay the groundwork for injecting the atmosphere with materials they believe will artificially cool the planet, in a bid to stave off what we are told is modern civilization's greatest threat to date, anthropogenic global warming.

If you know about the Carnegie’s – they are some of the wealthiest on the planet, and they believe in depopulation, so go figure and connect some dots.

Even if you buy into the as yet unproven theory that human produced carbon emissions are voluminous enough to significantly alter the planet's climate, you should still be extremely wary.

Playing God with the atmosphere may have severe consequences, particularly given that the compounds these scientists are testing are known to cause debilitating health problems and could lead to massive droughts and famines.

We are dealing with an absolute crazy group of elites who have control of the worlds militaries and are using them to destroy the planet by Dumping Chemicals EVERYWHERE.

They are insane. They have to breathe this polluted air also. Which makes you question, are they being “remote” controlled by a higher power?
Here are more Chemtrail Videos:

1. Learn the TRUTH about Chemtrails, when they started, how they started and why they started. https://mrnavac.blogspot.com/2021/09/truth-about-chemtrais.html

2. Chemtrail Sprayer Turns Off in the Sky -- https://rumble.com/v3ag7gs-chemtrail-sprayer-turns-off-in-the-sky.html

But it's a Condensation Trail. Bullshit.

3. Chemtrail Whistleblower from US Air Force - Aluminum, Barium and Strontium delivered to USAF Base -- https://rumble.com/v2l7sqw-chemtrail-whistleblower-from-us-air-force-aluminum-barium-and-strontium-del.html

4. ***A Pilot Demonstrates how his Chemtrail Small Passenger Jet Works – “We get paid $10 per Gallon” (1/3/2024)

5. ***Dr Bill Deagle – The Doctor who Treated the Chemtrail Pilots -- https://rumble.com/v3wj3t4-dr-bill-deagle-the-doctor-who-treated-the-chemtrail-pilots.html

6. ***“CHEMTRAIL BAN Bill” Proposed in Tennessee – HB 2063 - SB 2691 – Tennessee Air Quality Act -- https://rumble.com/v4l1nf0-chemtrail-ban-bill-proposed-in-tennessee-hb-2063-sb-2691-tennessee-air-qual.html

7. ***What is Falling from the Sky? The Chemtrail Agenda --

8. You're Breathing POISON Geoengineered Chemtrails -- https://rumble.com/v4rmfrb-youre-breathing-poison-geoengineered-chemtrails.html

9. Chemtrails Exposed by Pilots, Doctors, & Scientists – Soil & Water Tested High In Aluminum & Barium -- https://rumble.com/v4rtrj5-chemtrails-exposed-by-pilots-doctors-and-scientists-soil-and-water-tested-h.html

10. Pilot says Chemtrails are a Necessary Evil -- https://rumble.com/v4rtugq-pilot-says-chemtrails-are-a-necessary-evil.html

11. Blue Sky Day – Ian Brown

12. Chemtrails are Destroying the Soil & Monsanto’s Patent for Soil Contaminated by Aluminum -- https://rumble.com/v4s3se6-chemtrails-are-destroying-the-soil-and-monsantos-patent-for-soil-contaminat.html

13. Bill Deagle – What is in Chemtrails? From the DR. Who Treated Chemtrail Pilots -- https://rumble.com/v4t63or-bill-deagle-what-is-in-chemtrails-from-the-dr.-who-treated-chemtrail-pilots.html

14. What in the World are they Spraying? *This Video you are Watching.


SOURCE: Great Awakening World - Truths & Secrets Revealed -- https://rumble.com/v4c3j9r-what-in-the-world-are-they-spraying-geoengineering-chemtrails-documentary.html


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Thank You!!

END. 5/13/2024 – 9:00 PM

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