🛸 PSYOPS: The ULTIMATE Guide to Psychological Operations | Is Your Global Takeover Falling Apart?

8 months ago

Don't Give Up! Get "Disclosure". The BRAIN Washing Powder. PSYOPS are planned and coordinated intelligence operations designed to exploit people's vulnerabilities in order to influence them.


Explain it like I'm six... PSYOPS are used to make people do or stop doing things. All right, go on... PSYOPS used during Operation Desert Storm.

During Operation Desert Storm, coalition forces dropped thousands of leaflets telling Iraqi forces to surrender or be destroyed by artillery and rockets.

The PSYOPS campaign used pictures of Iraqi prisoners being treated well and eating bananas, a highly prized delicacy in Iraq.

Coalition forces were soon overwhelmed by surrendering Iraqi forces seeking safety (and bananas).

The IPB's threat evaluation is important. For PSYOP, threat evaluation serves two purposes. It helps the POTF commander understand the propaganda in the JOA. Products opposing the government may come from political parties, labor unions, or religious groups. U.S. PSYOP forces in the AOR must anticipate and counter threats to the U.S. and allies.

The PSYOP IPB process is cyclical and requires evaluation. PSYOP personnel use this process to analyze and integrate intelligence data about foreign populations. The PSYOP analysis process builds on the IPB of the higher HQ, but is focused on the human aspects of the situation and the audiences ability to receive and be influenced by information.

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