Is the Bible Evolving? AMS Webcast 638

9 months ago

Inspired by God and miraculously preserved by God, the Bible is now and forever God’s Word. Put your trust in it.
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Alex 0:04
Is the Bible of divine origin? And has it been accurately preserved? Hi, Alex McFarland here, I want to share some information with you. In response to a radio question I got just a couple of days ago, a lady called into our radio show. And she said that her pastor who apparently is fairly woke, was saying some things about the Bible that she just didn’t agree with as a believer. And when she confronted her pastor about his position on some moral, social issues, and she quoted the Bible in defense of what you and I might call a conservative, truthful position. Her pastor said what you have to understand the Bible has evolved. And there’s a certain fluidity, about how we understand its meaning. Well, if you’re a regular viewer to our content, you know that around here, we believe that words mean things. We think that’s undeniable. It’s like trying to outrun your shadow. I mean, you have to use words, even in any attempt to deny the efficacy of words.

Alex 1:13
And so I want to speak and we were trying to help this lady understand how she could talk with her pastor in a meaningful way about what the Word of God says, that the Bible is made of words, and words have meaning. And we can know what those word meanings are. And furthermore, the Bible has not been changed. There’s no part of it that’s been lost or tainted. Really F. F. Bruce, the great scholar, renowned Bible scholar, he said this, that the evidence for the Bible is, quote, ever so much greater than the evidence for works of antiquity, the authenticity of which no one would dream of questioning. And he famously said, if the Bible had been a collection of secular works, their authenticity would be regarded as beyond all doubt, and have quote, and that’s very true.

Alex 2:09
Now, the Bible was written, the Old Testament Genesis do Malikai, completed about 400 years before the birth of Christ. But then the New Testament was written from about 40, to 70 AD, this is very close to the time of Christ life, death and resurrection, the final book of the New Testament, the book of Revelation, written by the Apostle John, around 95 AD, but we have largely got complete corpuses of Old and New Testaments, by about 125 AD, so not hundreds of years, not time, for aberrant parts to be forced in not time for key parts to be lost. And people really don’t know what they were or where they had gone, folks.

Alex 3:04
Here’s the thing, the content of the Old Testament, nobody really questions because the Jewish people were so meticulous about preserving their scriptures. And then as we’ve said many times, Jesus, His words were divine, being God incarnate. And he affirmed the old. He made provision for the new. What am I saying? You can trust your Bible. We’ve written about it in 20 books. In another webcast, pretty soon we’re going to come back and talk about the manuscript attestation, the age of the manuscripts writing, and the copies that we’ve got, it’s amazing. It’s compelling. What am I saying? You can trust your Bible, that what you have is not only inspired by God, miraculously preserved by God. Let’s read and hear what was said, by God.

Alex 4:02
Hey, share this with people like us on all the platforms if you would know that we’re grateful. Stand strong. And remember, God’s Word is truth. You can depend on it.
Alex 4:15
Hi, Alex McFarland on this set of the Truth for a New Generation television show, but I want to talk to you about our new book coming out 100 Bible Questions and Answers for Families. Hundreds of people have given us questions. And this is about God and family. It’s a fall of 23 release. It’s available everywhere books are sold online, your local bookstores, even Sam’s Club Barnes and Noble 100 Bible Questions and Answers for Families published by the great people at Broad Street.

END 4:45

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