Reptilians & Shapeshifters -

10 months ago

Florida Alien 👽/ UFO 🛸 Videos Of 2024

1.) Overhead Spinning 😵‍💫 Lights

2.) City 🌃 Lights of Miami

3.) 06/03/23 Mass Flight of Birds 🐦 ( and insects 🐜)

4.) Planet Nibiru

5.) Montana Skywatcher - Remote Viewer Of What Might Exist BEHIND our Camouflaged Skies Planets In Our Sky? The Nemesis Solar System - Explained by Skywatcher Samuel Hofman — Steemit

Samuel Hofman November 2021 Interview

Combined Statement From John Molloy & Tom Trefts : National Vietnam And Gulf War Veterans Coalition


Here are some notes 🗒️ and links to an arbitrary formula system that the Veterans Administration uses to cheat Veterans out of their benefit 💵.

John and I feel that it is unconstitutional as well as being discriminatory in nature because no other government or civilian banking agency would dare attempt to distribute benefits, dividends, wages or profits with such a blatant TALMUD STYLE ACCOUNTING SYSTEM ALGORITHM as this.

Therefore we are requesting presciently that when President Trump and Vice President Robert F. Kennedy for their new administration sometime in 2024 that our organization be allowed to come on board in an advisory role to gut the VA Disability System to the bone 🦴 so that in the future Honorably Discharged Disabled Veterans be afforded a drastically reduced paperwork load when applying and waiting for benefits.

The End.

Hill And Ponton Free Book 📕 On Applying For Veterans Disability.

The Ultimate Guide to 90% VA Disability Benefits: 2023 Edition - Hill & Ponton, P.A.

Veterans Against Treason Rumble Channel

Guantanamo Song by The Who

David Adair Studies

1.) TOM! Amazing information in this last of the 4 part interview! Moon Secrets & Suppressing Breakthrough Space Technologies - David Adair part 4
I left the comment below under the Darse Crandal (sp?) video.
I suggest that anyone who wants to understand the brilliance, the recall and stream of consciousness of this man and learn without a doubt that he is telling the absolute truth, should really watch the first 3 segments.                               Those are foundational videos!
I watch them in the evening, when I am settled for the day. Not only do they make me smile/laugh and lift my spirits, but I learn so much that I have watched all of them going on 3 times!                                                                                         I love hearing the chronology of his fantastic life growing up, as it relates to all the significant people & events that I remember in my life, as I am about 3 years older and can relate to everything he talks about.  Even working on cars!  Remember Chilton's Auto Manuals??  Anyone could work on their own American made cars in the 60's & 70's! Car parts could be purchased at local Auto Stores!
If you have even a smidgeon of intuition, you will be able to "see" and "experience" what he did as he talks about it.   I know it was a 'helluva' roller coaster ride for me!! I don't know why, but I have indescribably developed so much love and affection for this brave man with such a pure heart that I can't help but continue to share these videos. I hope they put to rest many of the divisive contradictory narratives spiraling out of control on the internet, spread by amateur sleuths with limited conscious awareness.                                                                                                                   They make for interesting visuals, but "their" erroneous conclusions about what they are seeing and the psy-ops they read, are causing the rest of the sleepers to jump right on that crazy, intentionally mind limiting bandwagon.
In case you forgot, this is Taylor, and I comment under the name pureintent777 on Rumble.  
My alternate email is:

Notes 📝 On Ascension by Grandpa Tom

I never go out my way to take anything very seriously .

But when it comes to the possibilities we may face with Ascension, I am making the effort to catalog various links 🔗 on this topic for your easy reference .

My favorite ❤️ YouTube Site for this Philosophy / Meditation 🧘 topic is called The Truth Can Change Your Life.

I am an old grumpy Gulf War Veteran Activist dying of Parkinson’s in Ohio. I don’t have the time nor inclination to explain myself any further at this juncture. These are just my notes.

So for now, like college students, let’s consider just these 2 videos for study 📚 .

I found them both to be thoroughly thought provoking because it would presumably allow all of us to do lots of cool stuff as well as being involved together in service to the greater good.



Let’s stop there for now. I will drop these links 🔗 into my videos and leave the comments sections open for people to share their views as well.

I encourage massive truth bomb 💣 links 🔗 in my comments section.

God Bless America 🇺🇸,
Grandpa Tom

Visited Epstein Island

Here are the visitors to Jeffrey Epstein's island who were confirmed:

▪️Adam Perry Lang
▪️Al Gore
▪️Alan Dershowitz
▪️Albert Pinto
▪️Alee Baldwin
▪️Allison Mack
▪️Alyssa Rogers
▪️Anderson Cooper
▪️Andrea Mitrovich
▪️Andres Pastrana
▪️Angelina Jolie
▪️Anthony Kiedis
▪️Anthony Weiner
▪️Barack Obama
▪️Ben Affleck
▪️Bernie Sanders
▪️Bill Clinton
▪️Bill Gates
▪️Bob Saget (deceased)
▪️Bruce Willis
▪️Casey Wasserman
▪️Callum Hudson-Odoi
▪️Celine Dion
▪️Charles Barkley
▪️Charlie Sheen
▪️Charlize Theron
▪️Chelsea Handler
▪️Chris Tucker
▪️Chris Wagner
▪️Chrissy Teigen
▪️Cyndi Lauper
▪️Claire Hazel
▪️Courteney Cox
▪️Courtney Love
▪️Demi Moore
▪️Dan Schneider
▪️David Koch
▪️David Spade
▪️David Yarovesky
▪️Dolores Zorreguieta
▪️Donovan Mitchell
▪️Doug Band
▪️Drew Barrymore
▪️Ed Buck
▪️Ed Tuttle
▪️Ehud Barak
▪️Ellen DeGeneres
▪️Ellen Spencer
▪️Emmy Tayler
▪️Fleur Perry Lang
▪️Francis X. Suarez
▪️Freya Wissing
▪️Gary Roxburgh (pilot)
▪️George Clooney
▪️Ghislaine Maxwell
▪️Glenn Dubin
▪️Greg Holbert (deceased)
▪️Gwen Stefani
▪️Gwendolyn Beck
▪️Hank Coller (pilot)
▪️Heather Mann
▪️Heidi Klum
▪️Henry Rosovsky
▪️Hillary Clinton
▪️James Franco
▪️James Gunn
▪️Jean-Luc Brunel (deceased)
▪️Jean-Michel Gathy
▪️Jeffrey Jones (deceased)
▪️Jim Carrey
▪️Jimmy Kimmel
▪️Joe Biden
▪️Joe Pagano
▪️John Cusack
▪️John Legend
▪️John Podesta
▪️John Travolta
▪️Joy Behar
▪️Juan Pablo Molyneux
▪️Juliette Bryant
▪️Justin Roiland
▪️Justin Trudeau
▪️Kathy Griffin
▪️Katy Perry
▪️Kelly Spam
▪️Kevin Spacey
▪️Kirsten Gillibrand
▪️Kristy Rogers (deceased)
▪️Lady Gaga
▪️Larry Summers
▪️Larry Visoski (pilot)
▪️Laura Z. Wasserman
▪️Lawrence M. Krauss
▪️Linda Pinto
▪️Lisa Summers
▪️Lynn Forester de Rothchild
▪️Mandy Ellison (assistant)
▪️Mare Collins-Rector
▪️Marina Abramovic
▪️Mark Epstein
▪️Mark Lloyd
▪️Melinda Luntz
▪️Meryl Streep
▪️Michelle Obama
▪️Michelle Wolf
▪️Mikel Arteta
▪️Miley Cyrus
▪️Nadine Dorries
▪️Naomi Campbell
▪️Naomi Watts
▪️Natalie Blachon de Perrier
▪️Nicole Junkermann
▪️Olga Kurylenko
▪️Oliver Sacks
▪️Orlando Bloom
▪️Paris Hilton
▪️Patton Oswatt
▪️Paul Mellon
▪️Paula Epstein (deceased)
▪️Paula Hala
▪️Peter P. Marino
▪️Pharrell Williams
▪️Prince Andrew
▪️Prince Charles
▪️Quentin Tarantino
▪️Rachel Maddow
▪️Rainn Wilson
▪️Ralph Ellison
▪️Ray Barzana (pilot)
▪️Ricardo Legorreta Vilchis
▪️Rita Wilson
▪️Rob Reiner
▪️Robert DeNiro
▪️Robert Downey Jr.
▪️Rodney E. Slater
▪️Ronald Burkle
▪️Rudy Gobert
▪️Sander Burger
▪️Sarah Kellen (assistant)
▪️Sarah Silverman
▪️Seth Green
▪️Shelley Harrison
▪️Shelley Lewis
▪️Sophie Biddle-Hakim
▪️Sophie Trudeau
▪️Stephen Collins
▪️Stephen Colbert
▪️Steven Spielberg
▪️Steven Tyler
▪️Svetlana Glazunova
▪️Teala Davies
▪️Tiffany Gramza
▪️Tom Hanks
▪️Tom Pritzker
▪️Tyler Grasham (deceased)
▪️Victor Salva
▪️Wanda Sykes
▪️Whoopi Goldberg

Join Ezra A. Cohen


SAFE REPRODUCTION – for safe seed donation

Donor Form ( Free Membership ) - Unknown Arrangements Later but So Very Few Donors And Incredible Interest In What Overall Characteristics The Donor May Possess - Smart ? Blue Eyes 👀? Lisp ? Sloped Forehead, Second Penis ? That kind of thang.
Enroll as donor – SAFE REPRODUCTION

Roughly 20% of all couples would love to have a child but they do not succeed. There are many reasons, which we do not want to go into here. But many women who have not been able to conceive so far can be helped with either sperm donation or egg donation. There are plenty of companies specializing in this, and there is no need of an additional player in this area. Is there? 

Actually there was no need, until now.

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