5/4/2024 On the eve of 1984

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Last week we asked the question, “did we get fooled again?” Well, it
took less than a week to get a clear answer thanks in large part to
Christian Mike and his merry band of interparty bandits.

In typical 1984 fashion our American INGSOC has now officially
declared the gentile to be the enemy du jour for
the hate weeks to come.

Meanwhile back home in the Colonies

As a nation, as a community and especially as a family we have been given spiritual and physical tools that can help us defy our adversary but we need to employ them now. Opportunities abound. Where do you start, well that would be local, local ,local with the family being the first place to begin. We're recommending an official start date of May 12th. Details at 11:00.

Follow the leaders, folks, and the doers. When we show up and are in God's will, we win.

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