240503 Justice Clarence Thomas Doesnt Hold Back- Exposes Special Counsel Jack Smith In Court.mp4

9 months ago

May 1, 2024 .................................................. 3:00

Last week, during oral arguments on presidential immunity claims made by the legal team of former President Donald Trump, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas expressed his concerns over the validity of the appointment of special counsel Jack Smith. These concerns were aired during the oral arguments. According to The Epoch Times, Thomas inquired of John Sauer, Trump's attorney, whether or not they had opposed Smith's ability to pursue charges against Trump. When asked about it, Sauer responded by saying that they had not "directly" challenged Smith's jurisdiction in the Supreme Court case that is now being heard. The fact that Smith had a huge amount of prosecutorial authority, despite the fact that he was never appointed by the president or confirmed by the Senate, is what made this a "important issue," according to what he claimed.

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