Bryan "Hesher" Mcclain & Courtenay Turner on The Johnny Vedmore Show - 02 May 2024

10 months ago

On today's show, Bryan McClain AKA "Hesher" discusses the seemingly endless amount of US money going to Ukraine, the possibility of paid agitators being used in the current college campus protests, the reality of dismantling 3-letter agencies and more. Later, Courtenay Turner comments on some of the weird occult religious aspects of the United Nations and the quite evident theosophy-based collectivism underpinning many global agenda-pushing organizations.

GUEST 1 OVERVIEW: Bryan McClain AKA "Hesher" holds a Master’s degree in ‘Information Technology Management,’ and spent sixteen years working in the field of large scale experiment design and analysis. For more than a decade now, he’s been focused on podcasting with an emphasis on media analysis, propaganda deconstruction, technocracy and cultural engineering. He is the founder/owner of Alternate Current Radio where he hosts the BOILER ROOM podcast and produces or contributes to a handful of other programs. Bryan is also the co-host of State Of The Nation right here on TNT. You can follow him on X at @HesherMedia and visit his website:

GUEST 2 OVERVIEW: Courtenay Turner is a motivational speaker, producer/performer, health/fitness coach, and podcaster. She is the host of THE COURTENAY TURNER PODCAST and co-host of DANGEROUS DAMES. Her podcast covers a wide range of topics, including health, fitness, medicine, philosophy, psychology, politics, geopolitics, and sociocultural zeitgeist. Through all of her content creation, writing, speaking, and performing, she aims to inspire, inform, and empower, and hopefully contribute to the preservation of the freewill of humanity. You can find her on X at @CourtenayTurner and visit her website at:

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