Woodstock NB Banner Policy Announcement April 30 2024

9 months ago

The Woodstock Banners, Flags, Proclamation and Lighting Policy has previously stated that the only flags that will be flown from municipal lampposts will be: Town Tourism, Heritage and Provincially Recognized flags such as the New Brunswick flag and the Canadian flag.

"Woodstock has one of the most active and best multicultural associations in New Brunswick, we have over 70 different ethnicities represented locally including other minority groups such as those with physical or mental disabilities. The result is hundreds of minority groups and associations make up our community members. We are inclusive because of all of our day-to-day actions. Our community is known to be welcoming, inclusive and hospitable to all. It is full of generous and caring people and a change in this policy that is meant to treat everyone equally is not going to change that fact. We understand the significance the pride flag has had through history, but I feel the real progress that has been made to our Country, our Province our community to be more inclusive has been because many people representing many minority groups took a lot of time to sit down with policy makers to build laws and policies that promote equality, fairness and inclusion, which we are all benefiting from today as a municipality. That is our strength." Trina Jones, Woodstock Mayor.

Gays Against Grooming Canada, supports the town of Woodstock. The mayor was sent the following email:

Good Afternoon Trina Jones,

I am the founder of Gays Against Grooming Canada.
Our group would like to show our support for you, and the town of Woodstock NB, in the decision to not fly "pride flags" on municipal lampposts.

The flag, shown in the CBC article
is not the traditional LGB 'rainbow pride flag', which had been adopted by our gay community back in the late 60's, early 70's. This 'progressive flag', shown in the article was created in 2018 and is directly related to the (elite funded, UN sanctioned) political '2SLGBTQ+Agenda.

Many businesses, towns and cities were approached by activists and asked to fly this 'progressive flag', as a way to support and advocate for the LGBTQIA+ community. Many did so; thinking this was true, without fully understanding the politics/agenda behind the flag(s). The 'progressive pride flag' is not a prominent symbol of our LGB+ People, many of whom do not want to be associated with it at all, most 'gay folk' have not lost their minds to gender ideology.

We thank the town of Woodstock NB for making this decision, we believe that in Canada, all people are equal under one flag. Our Canadian flag. Hopefully other communities will follow in your footsteps.

Gays Against Grooming Canada

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