The Truth About the College Pro-Hamas #Protests; #Avenatti Comes Clean About #Trump Shakedown

7 months ago

Excellent eBook: QUIT SMOKING OR DIE!

It is no surprise #leftist agitators are behind the spread of Anti-Israel (and in many cases Pro-Hamas) protests infecting college campuses with students looking for identity, a cause and/or a party to serve as pawns. Dr. Jerome Corsi looks deeply into the nature and goals of the puppeteers behind the protests.
Also, Michael Avenatti is singing like a canary about the Stormy Daniels case and the overall shakedowns against #DonaldTrump via #lawfare, starting with a tweet from prison.
The Climate Alarmists' latest scheme is to try and control the weather to curb their climate change paranoia. How did that work out for Dubai recently? Why this push? Dr. Corsi breaks it down and your head will probably spin from this latest scheme from the Climate Crazies.

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