3 requirements for ushering in the ANTI-MESSIAH

5 months ago

If the I.C.C. start making arrests, beginning with Netanyahu, then starts a domino effect of arrests and tribunals. Why are NATO nations flying over Gaza and supplying Israel? Why are anti-Zionist "jews" blaming white people for the establishment of Israel, while the Zionist "jews" convince whites (more specifically "Christians"/Goyim) that it is brown peoples' fault, as terrorists.
The Khazarians* are controlling the PRO-Palestine movement, via corporate takeover (ownership) of media, etc., in order to pit us against (divide us) each other, while they get away with murder, as well as all of the painful and woeful suffering and chaos that goes with.

*fake "jews", not of the lineage of Abraham, Issac and Jacob/Israel.
aka "name stealers" of the same lineage of Vlad Dracul, aka "Dracula".
(vampirish cannibals aka "the synagogue" of ha'satan)
NOT the "chosen people".

While NOT promoting hatred toward or violence against ALL "jews",
these "people" are not exactly "human". Germany was being ruined by their promotion of "liberalism" for their own hellish reasons. Hitler merely wanted to sort the KHAZARS out and rid the world of THOSE fake "jews".
It must be understood that there are blood tests that they conducted.
How advanced the Germans became in genetic work, we can't be sure,...

< https://rumble.com/v4savte-its-time-to-start-the-revolution-what-do-you-got-to-lose.html >

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