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True Untold History Aborigines Americans Are Indigenous To America Not Africa
The Complete History Of Indigenous America Before Colonialism 1491 True Untold History Of The Aborigines Of America African Americans Are Indigenous To America Not From Africa At All. These are the origins of ancient Indigenous societies in the Americas before the arrival of Christopher Columbus.
The history of Indigenous America before colonialism is a vast and complex topic that spans thousands of years. Here is a brief overview:
Pre-Columbian Era
The first human inhabitants of the Americas are believed to have migrated from Asia across the Bering Strait around 15,000 to 20,000 years ago.
Over time, these early inhabitants developed distinct cultures, languages, and societies, with some groups migrating southward to present-day Mexico and Central America, while others remained in the northern regions.
The Paleo-Indian period (10,000-8,000 years ago) saw the development of hunting and gathering societies, with evidence of early agriculture emerging around 5,000 years ago.
The Archaic period (8,000-1,000 years ago) saw the development of more complex societies, with the emergence of chiefdoms and early forms of social hierarchy.
The Woodland period (1,000 years ago to 1,600 CE) saw the development of more complex societies, with the emergence of mound-building cultures, such as the Hopewell and Mississippian cultures.
Regional Cultures
The Southeast: The Southeast was home to a diverse range of cultures, including the Mississippian culture, which built complex earthen mounds and had a sophisticated agricultural system.
The Northeast: The Northeast was home to the Iroquois Confederacy, a powerful alliance of five Native American nations that played a significant role in the colonial era.
The Southwest: The Southwest was home to the Ancestral Puebloans, who built complex cliff dwellings and pueblos, and the Navajo and Apache tribes, who were skilled horsemen and warriors.
The Plains: The Plains were home to the Sioux, Cheyenne, and Comanche tribes, who were skilled horsemen and warriors.
The Northwest Coast: The Northwest Coast was home to the Tlingit, Haida, and Salish tribes, who were skilled fishermen and traders.
Trade and Exchange
Trade networks existed throughout the Americas, with goods such as obsidian, copper, and shells being traded over long distances.
The Aztecs and Mayans of Mesoamerica had complex trade networks that stretched from present-day Mexico to present-day Guatemala and Belize.
The Inca Empire of South America had a vast trade network that stretched from present-day Colombia to present-day Chile.
Societal Complexity
Many Indigenous societies were complex and sophisticated, with complex social hierarchies, systems of governance, and spiritual beliefs.
The Aztecs and Mayans had complex systems of writing and mathematics, and the Inca Empire had a sophisticated system of road networks and communication.
Many Indigenous societies had a deep connection to the natural world, with a belief in a complex spiritual world that included multiple gods and goddesses.
Conflict and Cooperation
Conflict was a common occurrence throughout Indigenous American history, with wars being fought over resources, territory, and ideology.
However, cooperation and alliance-building were also common, with many tribes forming alliances to resist European colonization and protect their lands and cultures.
The Iroquois Confederacy, for example, was a powerful alliance of five Native American nations that played a significant role in the colonial era.
This is just a brief overview of the complex and rich history of Indigenous America before colonialism. There is much more to learn and discover about the diverse cultures, societies, and experiences of the Indigenous peoples of the Americas.
Overview of the First Americans
No aspect of our past has been more thoroughly shaped by popular mythology than the history of Native Americans. Quite unconsciously, Americans have picked up a host of misconceptions. For example, many assume that pre-Columbian North America was a sparsely populated virgin land. In fact, millions of Native Americans inhabited the area that would become the United States.
This section traces the settlement of the Americas by Paleo-Indians, the ancestors of the New World Indians; it examines the diversity and size of Native American cultures; and identifies the defining characteristics of the Indian cultures of North America on the eve of European contact.
Although few textbooks today use the word "primitive" to describe pre-contact Native Americans, many still convey the impression that North American Indians consisted simply of small migratory bands that subsisted through hunting, fishing, and gathering wild plants. As we shall see, this view is incorrect; in fact, Native American societies were rich, diverse, and sophisticated.
Food discovered and domesticated by Native Americans would transform the diet of Europe and Asia. Native Americans also made many crucial--though often neglected--contributions to modern medicine, art, architecture, and ecology.
During the thousands of years preceding European contact, the Native American people developed inventive and creative cultures. They cultivated plants for food, dyes, medicines, and textiles; domesticated animals; established extensive patterns of trade; built cities; produced monumental architecture; developed intricate systems of religious beliefs; and constructed a wide variety of systems of social and political organization ranging from kin-based bands and tribes to city-states and confederations. Native Americans not only adapted to diverse and demanding environments, they also reshaped the natural environments to meet their needs. And after the arrival of Europeans in the New World, Native Americans struggled intently to preserve the essentials of their diverse cultures while adapting to radically changing conditions.
Approximately 30,000 years ago, the Paleo-Indians, the ancestors of Native Americans, followed herds of animals from Siberia across Beringia, a land bridge connecting Asia and North America, into Alaska. By 8,000 B.C.E., these peoples had spread across North and South America.
No one knows for sure how many Indians lived in the Western Hemisphere in 1492, but the number was in the millions. In no sense were the Americas empty lands.
At least 2,000 distinct languages were spoken in the Americas in 1492. Cultural differences were marked. Some Indian peoples belonged to small bands of hunters and gatherers; some practiced sophisticated irrigated agriculture.
Complex, agriculturally-based cultures developed in a number of regions, including the Mayas and Aztecs in Mesoamerica, the Incas in Peru, and the Moundbuilders and Mississippians in the Ohio and Mississippi River Valleys.
All Indians lived in organized societies with political structures, moral codes, and religious beliefs. All had adapted to the particular environments in which they lived. The idea of private land ownership was foreign; land was held communally and worked collectively.
The largest domesticated animals were dogs, llamas, and alpacas, and therefore the Indians could not rely on such animal by-products such as wool, leather, milk, and meat. Although some societies had developed the wheel, it was used as a toy. No society had shaped metal into guns, swords, or tools; none had gunpowder, sailing ships, or mounted warriors.
Deadly epidemics also aided the European conquest. The Indians were highly susceptible to European diseases. Smallpox, typhus, diphtheria, plague, cholera, measles, and influenza appear to have been unknown. Measles, mumps, whooping cough, and other epidemics grately reduced the Indian population.
History of the California Blacks Nation Califians (Khalifians) The First Americans *According to, author James W. Loewen in his best-selling book “Lies My Teacher Told Me,” virtually none of the body of knowledge, as taught in school curricula and World History, has an ounce of truth. (Regarding the American Holiday: Thanksgiving)
The idea that Europeans brought civilization to America flips the truth on its head. Here is what an expedition of European explorers actually found upon their arrival to North America in 1580. Read through to the end for the hidden history of the California Black Native Americans.
Robert Beverly’s ‘American Holocaust’ Account
While Europeans were drinking gutter water from polluted city rivers, huge aqueducts transported America’s water from fresh springs.
Long before Europe – coming out of their ‘dark age’ – realized that the world was not flat, there were nations that were scientifically advanced. There were highly civilized populations with an abundance of gold and wealth whose history spanned thousands of years.
Ancient America was notably one of the most advanced civilizations in antiquity.
This was before Christ, before, the Spaniards, before Mexicans, before the Clovis people who crossed the Barring Straights, and before what is now known as the Native American Indian or Euro conversions.
California’s Native American Identity
The original indigenous inhabitants of California were the descendants of West Africa, South America’s Olmecs – Xi Empire, 1500 – 400 BCE, Egypt, Asia and the Pacific Islands, creating a mix-cultural nation that thrived for thousands for years in peace.
They were California Blacks or Califians. Also referred to as Khalifians.
The California Blacks were one of the largest and oldest native nations in the Americas. They were the people Europeans originally referred to as the “Red Man.”
The California blacks were followers of the principles of Ma’at and they studied, exulted, and sought to emulate the mythical Gods of Kemet. Including and most importantly: Isis, Horus and Ra. They believed in one supreme God, life after death and heaven on earth.
They were lovingly ruled by a matriarchal secession, descendants of African queens. Most notably the legendary Queen of California and the Pacific Island Nations; Califia ( Khalifia).
Their true lineage, a powerful existence across the globe, has been systematically erased. A worldwide genocide of biblical proportions was launched and is still in play to this very day.
American Holocaust Quotes
“The truth of the first settlers has been deliberately changed, “said Lowell. “because the truth was too shameful.”
“They stayed in America because their mission had been a failure, they came in search of gold.” – Robert Beverly, American Holocaust
“There is no force in Indian societies, no prisons, no officers to inflict punishment.” – Ben Franklin
The First Thanksgiving Horror
The account that Europeans brought civilization to America is the biggest European lie of all time.
The fact that this revisionist history has been and is still being told and taught is another reminder that the genocide continues.
The first settlers almost starved to death. If it were not for the help of the natives they would have. Many Europeans died during this time; they committed suicide, and suffered from mental illness and also alcohol addiction.
The first settlers took Indians as prisoners and forced them to teach them the art of farming.
After teaching the settlers farming and saving them from starvation on the first ‘Thanksgiving ‘ the colonist offered the natives a toast to eternal friendship. Soon after the chief, his family, advisers and two hundred followers dropped dead of poison.
Hidden History of California Blacks
The true history of California Blacks is a powerful story of global genocide on a magnitude that is unbelievable. 100 Million Black and Brown people were wiped off the global landscape and American continent with barely a trace. The history of a magnificent empire is nonexistent in pop culture, myths and Euro’s – visionary’ history.
Let the infamous date, 1492 be spoken and heard by indigenous ancestors from now until eternity. That date marks the beginning of the horrific, evil execution and genocide of indigenous Americans, who were predominantly Blacks of Africa, Asia, and early history Europeans add mixture; a fact that has been conveniently and deliberately left out of World History.
This global conspiracy, in addition to the ‘proven practicality of genocide’ (owed much to English and United States history), was the inspiration for Hitler’s concentration camps.
Hitler praised the ‘efficiency’ of America’s extermination of the ‘red savages.’
In the 1700s
80% of the United States’ budget went to attacking Indians and taking their land. 20% of the budget went to education and other spending. 80+% of the Native American population was enslaved or wiped out. George Washington and other USA officials approved of the extermination of the Indian race.
Pursue Indians until extermination – Thomas Jefferson
Extermination must continue to be waged until the Indian becomes extinct a complete Erritication of the Native race. – Theodore Roosevelt
California, Greed Gold and Genocide
No group of people suffered as much from the Gold Rush as the California Blacks and other native peoples.
Estimation of the numbers in the area of what is now called California before the arrival of Europeans ranged from ten million three hundred and fifteen thousand or more, a calculation never officially reported.
Even before the gold rush the population had plummeted to 5 – 2.5 million due to slavery, the Euro invasion and the Christian Document of Discovery. Plus, Mexican, Indian and Spanish wars, along with vigilantly and militia mass murder. All had taken a toll on the original people.
In the 1800s
On April 12, 1850, California passed the so-called “Act for the Government and Protection of the Indians.” This act allowed any white settler to force any Indian found to be without means of support to work for him.
Since Indians could not testify against a white person in court any Indian could be seized as a virtual slave under the law. Many settlers didn’t even bother with the law and purchased Indian children outright. Fortunes were made off the sale of women and children.
The editorial appearing in the California Marysville Appeal newspaper illustrates this practice: It is from the mountain tribes that the white settlers draw their supply of kidnapped children, educated as servants, and women of purpose of labor or lust.
These are partners of the state whose soul occupation has been to steal young children and squaws and dispose of them for handsome prices to the settlers who… willing to pay $50 to $60 dollars for a young Digger to cook and wait upon them, or $100 dollars for a likely young girl.
In 1851’s message to the California Legislature, then California Governor Peter H. Burnett promised:
California paid one million dollars in revenue from the gold fields – to militias that hunted down and slaughtered natives at will.
Newspapers cheered on the statewide campaign. In 1853 the Yreka Herald called on the government to provide aid to:
In order to clear the way for white settlement, the United States Senate in 1853 authorized these committees to negotiate treaties with the Indian tribes of California.
Of the over 250 indigenous nations, eighteen treaties were negotiated. The handful of tribes agreed to give away millions of acres of land in exchange for the U.S. Governments promise to protect the lands with adequate water and game to sustain them and their way of life.
This land would have contained about 7.5 million acres, or 7.5% of the land area of California. The eighteen tribes started moving to their new land location only to find out that the Senate had refused to ratify their treaties. Instead of treaties.
“A system of military post ” on government-owned reservations was implemented. Each would put into place a ” system of discipline and instruction; The cost of the troops would be ” borne by the surplus production of Indian labor.” No treaties were to be negotiated; instead they would be “invited to assemble within these reserves.”
Towns offered bounty hunters cash for every Indian scalp they obtained. Rewards ranged from $5 dollars for every severed head in Shasta City in 1855 to 25 cents for a scalp in Honey Lake in 1855.
Indigenous women were forced to wear the severed head of their husbands or sons around their necks (like a neckless) for months.
Other regions passed laws that called for the collective punishment for the whole village for crimes by Natives, up to the destruction of the entire village and all of its inhabitants.
These policies led to the devastation of over two hundred native California communities.
In 1857, the state issued four hundred thousand dollars in bonds to pay for anti – Indian militias.
In 1870, the California census only recorded the population at 632,000, however that did not take into count the blacks and other natives who ran away and joined ranks with the Seminoles, and/or other Native nations, or those who picked up and moved to safer, locations.
The black Califians were not a part of Northern California’s eighteen tribe treaty negotiations of 1853, they continued to valiantly fight the oppressive invaders until the late 1890s, the gold rush signaled the beginning of the end for the lands first people.
The gallant, California blacks, one of the last great native nation to stand up and defend their ancestral homeland — America ( Utala – AtLan ) Land of the blacks, was over.
Black People-Indigenous Tribes In North America 1,000's Years Before Columbus True -
Ancient Africans Discovered America Thousands Of Years Ago? Contrary to popular belief, African American history did not start with slavery in the New World. An overwhelming body of new evidence is emerging which proves that Africans had frequently sailed across the Atlantic to the Americas, thousands of years before Columbus and indeed before the Vikings. The great ancient civilizations of Egypt and West Africa traveled to the Americas, contributing immensely to early American civilization by importing the art of pyramid building, political systems and religious practices as well as mathematics, writing and a sophisticated calendar.
The strongest evidence of African presence in America before Columbus comes from the pen of Columbus himself. In 1920, a renowned American historian and linguist, Leo Weiner of Harvard University, in his book, Africa and the discovery of America, explained how Columbus noted in his journal that Native Americans had confirmed that “black skinned people had come from the south-east in boats, trading in gold-tipped spears.” Located in the Museum of the Seminary of Sherbrooke in Quebec, Canada there are a set of mysterious stones that, according to many who have researched them, could offer conclusive evidence that neither the Vikings, nor Columbus traveled to America first, but a culture from Northern Africa 2,500 years ago.
The stones have been in the museum since at least 1910, but they were discovered much earlier. The two flat stone pieces of limestone are three feet long and one and a half feet high and weigh around four hundred pounds. They were discovered in a field near the St Francois River by M. Ludger Soucy sometime early in this century.
At the time of the discovery the considerably weathered stones were covered with two lines of unknown script.
Professor Thomas Lee, a Laval University archaeologist deciphered the inscriptions. According to Professor Lee the Egyptian inscriptions were written in a Libyan script. Professor Lee said: “The Libyans would have been operating, in my opinion, out of Carthage, which was a Phoenician city at the time”.
He added saying the inscriptions suggest an ancient expedition reached the area after sailing up the St. Francis River, which flows into the St. Lawrence River, southwest of Trois-Rivieres, Quebec.
Native American Tribes Map: Indigenous Peoples USA The map above shows how indigenous American tribes were distributed throughout North America and parts of the Caribbean.
These indigenous peoples (IPs), with 86 tribes in total, are spread in 11 regions throughout the continent.
The Eskimo is the sole tribe in the Arctic region, located in the extreme north of present-day Canada and the Danish province of Greenland.
Two indigenous groups occupy the Subarctic region that comprises most of north-central Canada:
Yellowknife - Chippewyah
Eight IP groups live in the Northwest Coast region:
Tlingit - Haida - Kwakiutl - Salish - Nootka - Makah - Chinook - Tillamook
In the California region live seven tribes:
Yorok - Hupa - Maiou - Yuki - Pomo - Miwok - Mono
Five ethnic groups inhabit the Plateau area:
Spokane - Coeur d’Alene - Cayuse - Nez Perce - Flathead
There are also five IP groups living in the Great Basin area:
Modoc - Shoshoni - Washo - Paiute - Ute
The Southwest region houses ten groups:
Navajo - Apache - Hopi - Zuñi - Mohave - Yuma - Pima - Papago - Pueblo - Karankara
In the region of Mesoamerica live three ethnic tribes:
Aztec - Ciboney - Taino
There are 16 tribes living in the Great Plains region:
Cree - Crow - Mandan - Arikara - Sioux - Iowa - Missouri - Arapaho - Kansa - Osage - Cheyenne - Quapaw - Kiowa - Apache - Comanche - Waco
In the Northeast region live the most number of indigenous tribes, 19 to be exact:
Ojibwa - Huron - Menomini Ojibwa - Saux Fox - Iroquis - Massachuset - Kickapoo - Potawatomi - Illinois - Miami - Erie - Pamunkey - Susquehanna - Delaware - Powhatan - Shawnee - Chickahominy - Tuscarora - Catawba
Finally, in the Southeast region live 11 indigenous American tribes:
Cherokee - Tuskegee - Creek - Chickasaw - Choctaw - Wichita - Caddo - Natchez - Alabama - Timukua - Calusa
In this Reddit thread, several users notice that since the map is sourced from a textbook published in the United States (US), there are more tribes situated in the modern-day US. This means that other nations such as Canada and Mexico are underrepresented, and only have a few tribes listed on the map.
BLACK CIVILIZATIONS OF ANCIENT AMERICA (MUU-LAN), MEXICO (XI) Gigantic stone head of Negritic African during the Olmec (Xi) Civilization.
The earliest people in the Americas were people of the Negritic African race, who entered the Americas perhaps as early as 100,000 years ago, by way of the bering straight and about thirty thousand years ago in a worldwide maritime undertaking that included journeys from the then wet and lake filled Sahara towards the Indian Ocean and the Pacific, and from West Africa across the Atlantic Ocean towards the Americas.
According to the Gladwin Thesis, this ancient journey occurred, particularly about 75,000 years ago and included Black Pygmies, Black Negritic peoples and Black Australoids similar to the Aboriginal Black people of Australia and parts of Asia, including India.
Recent discoveries in the field of linguistics and other methods have shown without a doubt, that the ancient Olmecs of Mexico, known as the Xi People, came originally from West Africa and were of the Mende African ethnic stock. According to Clyde A. Winters and other writers (see Clyde A. Winters website), the Mende script was discovered on some of the ancient Olmec monuments of Mexico and were found to be identical to the very same script used by the Mende people of West Africa. Although the carbon fourteen testing date for the presence of the Black Olmecs or Xi People is about 1500 B.C., journies to the Mexico and the Southern United States may have come from West Africa much earlier, particularly around five thousand years before Christ. That conclusion is based on the finding of an African native cotton that was discovered in North America. It's only possible manner of arriving where it was found had to have been through human hands. At that period in West African history and even before, civilization was in full bloom in the Western Sahara in what is today Mauritania. One of Africa's earliest civilizations, the Zingh Empire, existed and may have lived in what was a lake filled, wet and fertile Sahara, where ships criss-crossed from place to place.
The earliest trade and commercial activities between prehistoric and ancient Africa and the Americas may have occurred from West Africa and may have included shipping and travel across the Atlantic. The history of West Africa has never been properly researched. Yet, there is ample evidence to show that West Africa of 1500 B.C. was at a level of civilization approaching that of ancient Egypt and Nubia-Kush. In fact, there were similarities between the cultures of Nubia and West Africa, even to the very similarities between the smaller scaled hard brick clay burial pyramids built for West African Kings at Kukia in pre Christian Ghana and their counterparts in Nubia, Egypt and Meso-America.
Although West Africa is not commonly known for having a culture of pyramid-building, such a culture existed although pyramids were created for the burial of kings and were made of hardened brick. This style of pyramid building was closer to what was built by the Olmecs in Mexico when the first Olmec pyramids were built. In fact, they were not built of stone, but of hardened clay and compact earth.
Still, even though we don't see pyramids of stone rising above the ground in West Africa, similar to those of Egypt, Nubia or Mexico, or massive abilisks, collosal monuments and structures of Nubian and Khemitic or Meso-American civilization. The fact remains, they did exist in West Africa on a smaller scale and were transported to the Americas, where conditions such as an environment more hospitable to building and free of detriments such as malaria and the tsetse fly, made it much easier to build on a grander scale.
In many parts of the Americas today, there are still people of African Negritic racial backgrounds who continue to exist either blended into the larger African-Americas population or are parts of separate, indigenous groups living on their own lands with their own unique culture and languages.
One such example is the Washitaw Nation who owned about one million square miles of the former Louisiana Territories, but who now own only about 70,000 acres of all their former territory. The regaining of their lands from the U.S. was a long process which concluded partially in 1991, when they won the right to their lands in a U.S. court.
The Black Californian broke up as a nation during the late 1800's after many years of war with the Spanish invaders of the South West, with Mexico and with the U.S. The blended into the Black population of California and their descendants still exist among the millions of Black Californians of today.
The Black Caribs or Garifunas of the Caribbean Islands and Central America fought with the English and Spanish from the late fifteen hundreds up to 1797, when the British sued for peace. The Garifuna were expelled from their islands but they prospered in Central America where hundreds of thousands live along the coasts today.
The Afro-Darienite is a significant group of pre-historic, pre-columbian Blacks who existed in South America and Central America. These Blacks were the Africans that the Spanish first saw during their exploration of the narrow strip of land between Columbia and Central America and who were described as "slaves of our lord" since the Spaniards and Europeans had the intention of enslaving all Blacks they found in the newly discovered lands.
The above mentioned Blacks of precolumbian origins are not Blacks wo mixed with the Mongoloid Indian population as occurred during the time of slavery. They were Blacks who were in some cases on their lands before the southward migrations of the Mongoloid Native Americans. In many cases, these Blacks had established civilizations in the Americas thousands of years ago.
During the International Congress of American Anthropologists held in Bacelona, Spain in 1964, a French anthropologist pointed out that all that was missing to prove a definite presence of Negritic Blacks in the Americas before Columbus was Negroid skeletons to add to the already found Negroid featured terracottas. Later on February of 1975 skeletons of Negroid people dating to the 1200's were found at a precolumbian grave in the Virgin Islands. Andrei Wierzinski, the Polish crainologist also concluded based on the study of skeletons found in Mexico, that a good portion of the skulls were that of Negritic Blacks,
Based on the many finds for a Black African Negroid presence in ancient Mexico, some of the most enthusiastic proponents of a pre-columbian Black African presence in Mexico are Mexican professionals. They conclude that Africans must have established early important trading centers on the coasts along Vera Cuz, from which Middle America's first civiliztion grew.
In retrospect, ancient Africans did visit the Americas from as early as about 100,000 B.C. where they stayed for tens of thousands of years. By 30,000 B.C., to about 15,000 B.C., a massive migration from the Sahara towards the Indian Ocean and the Pacific in the East occurred from the Sahara. Blacks also migrated Westward across the Atlantic Ocean towards the Americas during that period until the very eve of Columbus' first journey to the Americas.
Trade, commerce and exploration as well as the search for new lands when the Sahara began to dry up later in history was the catalyst that drove the West Africans towards the Atlantic and into the Americas.
The experience of the Washitaw Nation (or Ouchita Nation) of the Southern United States is another piece of solid evidence for the fact of pre-Columbian African presence and settlement in the Americas and specifically in the United States. According to an article carried in the magazine, 'The Freedom Press Newsletter, (Spring, 1996), reprinted from Earthways, The Newsleter of the Sojourner Truth Farm School (August, 1995), the Washitaw were (and still are) a nation of Africans who existed in the Southern U.S. and Mississippi Valley region long before the 16th century Europeans arrived and even before there were "Native Americans" on the lands the Washitaw once occupied and still occupy today.
According to the article, "the Washitaw Nation "governed three million acres of land in Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas and Mississippi. They were ship builders (similar to the Garifuna of the Caribbean, who are also of pre-Columbian West Afrucan Mandinka Muslim origins (according to Harold Lawrence in 'African Presence in Early America,edt. by Ivan Van Sertima).
What is even more facinating about this aspect of hidden history of Blacks in America before Columbus is that the Washitaw Nation was known and recognized as a separate, independant Black nation by the Spanish and French, who were in the Louisiana Territories and Texas areas. According to the present leader of the Washitaw Nation, "when Spain ceeded the Louisiana Territory to France, they excluded the land belonging to the Washitaw Nation. France did not include it in the "Louisiana Purchase," and according to the leader, "This land
is not part of the United States of America." That point was made in the newspaper, "The Capitol Spotlight, June 1992.
In fact, the courts agreed that the land was not part of the U.S. and that in fact the Washitaw (Ouchita) Nation was on the land long before European Colonization: therefore, in legal decisions made, some of the ancient territory was returned. This historical decision was made about 1991.
This is the type of information seldom seen in the majority press, yet, the importance of that event clearly points to the incredible service small papers and magazines such as Ancient American or the Capitol Spotlight and The Freedom Press Newsletter have been making, along iwth internet news and information sites such as this one. So, here we see an example in the continental United States where Africans who came before slavery, before Columbus and thousands of years before Christ (over six thousand years B.C., according to the Washitaw chroniclers), were engaged in boat building, seafaring, trade and commerce in ancient times and who still exist today as a distinct Black Nation who have evidence and proof of their ownership of millions of acres of lands in the Southern U.S. and the Mississippi Valley. The Washitaw Nation held an important convention in June 1992, in Monroe, Louisiana and have held others since. (Washitaw's point of view on their history and culture).
Yet, the Washitaw is merely one nation of the descendants of pre-columbian Blacks from Africa and elsewhere and possibly from right here in the Americas as the very first people to exist here, long before the development of the Mongoloid, American Indians or the Mongoloid( 15,000 B.C.) or even the Caucasian races (30,000 B.C.). Pure Black Homosapiens began to migrate from Africa and populate the entire earth about 200,000 to 150,000 years ago, according to scientists, historians and anthropologists.
Among the other Black nations who existed in the Americas before Columbus and long before Christ were the Jamassee (Yamassee), who had a large kingdom in the South eastern U.S., Their descendants were among the first Blacks of pre-columbian American origins who fell victim to kidnapping for the purpose of enslavement. Blacks of South America, the Caribbean and Central America were also attacked and enslaved based on a Pontifax passed during the mid- 1400's by the Church hierachy giving the Europeans the go ahead to enslave all "Children of Ham" found in the newly discovered territories. The descendants of the Jamassee are the millions of Blacks who live in Alabama, Gerogia, South Carolina and northern Florida. They of course also have African slave ancestors, but these slaves are the relatives of the same Africans who sailed to America of their own free will, while Europe was in the Dark Ages, and long before Christ, for that matter.
In California, descendnats of the fierce "Black Californians" who were a Negroid people of African racial origins and the original owners of California and the South. Many African-Americans in California are of Black Californian ancestry and their great grand parents were among the original Black Californians who were victims of Spanish Californio enslavement and Anglo American settler attacks. In fact, the Black Californian fought until the late 1800's to maintain control of their ancestral lands from the settlers.
There are aboriginal nations of Blacks in Panama such as the Afro-Darienite and the Choco people.
In fact, the Afro-Darienite are the remnants of the aboriginal Black nations of South and Central America who were once hunted down to be made slaves by the Spaniards (in fact Balboa or Peter Matyr chroniclers referred to these Blacks as "slaves of our lord," ) meaning, like Blacks in Africa, the South Pacific and elsewhere, they were eligible for enslavement, being descended from Ham, the so-called "father of the Black race."
In Columbia's Choco Region, on the Western side of that country, there are hundreds of thousands of Blacks, whose ancestors have been in Columbia for thousands of years. In fact, scientists and some historians have found out that Black slaves were being kidnapped and hunted down in Columbia and parts of South and Central America, as well as the Caribbean and U.S., by the Spaniards and others long before they began to look for slaves in Africa. (an old painting in Natonal Geographic clearly shows a black with bow and arrow and wearing a loin cloth, hunting along the coast of Columbia during the first voyage there by the Spaniards.
These Blacks today of the Choco Region of Columbia are among the most oppressed of Blacks in Latin America today.
Then there is the Garifuna or Kalifunami also called "Black Caribs" Being a member of the Black Carib Nation and having done historical research, the myth of the Black Caribs being escaped slaves has been debunked. It is true that the Black Caribs encouraged slaves from the West Indies Islands to join them and that the Black Caribs did ally with the Mongoloid Caribs of Dominica and other parts of the West Indies, but the fact remains, that the Black Caribs were originally Mende traders of gold and cloth, who established settlements throughout the Circum-Caribbean region, Mexico, Central America, South America and the Southern U.S.
They had been arriving in the Americas for thousands of years, even before they converted to Islam during the 900's A.D.. In fact, the Olmecs of ancient Mexico were Mende, they used the Mende script (found on monments at Monte Alban, Mexico, and they named places from southern Mexico to South America with Mandinka names. Such names sometimes sound identical to the names of places used in West Africa.
In retrospect, while the debate for reparations increses, it is important that African-Americans know that two great injustices were committed by the Europeans. The first was slavery, the second was the taking of Black lands and destroying Black history and culture so Blacks remain totally ignorant of their rights to more than one third of north America.
One of the most important aspects of Black history worldwide is the development of Black civilization due to the early and persisten use and application of trade and commerce. Due to such early and well organized trading and commercial systems throughout the prehistoric Black world, Blacks were able to expand throughout the world and establish the world's first cultures and civilizations. Although it is said that Blacks migrated from the original homeland of mankind in Africa to settle all Asia, Europe, Australia and the Americas (see Scientific American; Sept. 2000, p. 80-87...this is a recent publication), long before the differentiation of the races from the original Negritic to Negriic, Caucasoid, Mongoloid, along with the various mixed races such as Polynesians, Native Americans, Japanese, Malays, Mediterranean whites, East Indians (the mixed Negroid/Caucasian type...not the pure Black pre Aryan Negritic Indians), Arabs, Latinos (Mestizos, Mullatoes, Zambos, Spaniards) and a number of other mixed races and regional types, the purpose of the earlies migrations of Blacks from Africa to the rest of the world was not merely following and hunting wild animals, as some theorists have claimed, but searching for commodities, like red ocre to paint the smooth, dark skin from insects and decoration. Another purpose for the early migrations of Africans to other parts of the world was to establish trading and commercial links to those of their own people, who had left previously. Hence, even if the earliest migrations were after wandering herds of animals, further migrations were in search of links with their kinsmen and women.
The migrations of Africans to all parts of the world within the past hundred thousand years
or more occurred before an other races existed. Thus, Black culture and civilization was being established when no other "races" existed as we know them today. This is a facinating historical even, because having been homosapiens for over one hundred thousand years, it is very possible that Blacks could have gone through many periods of cultural development and civilization before the beginning of the Nile Valley civilization (since about 17,000 B.C.) or the Zingh Civilization of the South-Western Sahara (15,000 B.C.), or even Atlantis (10,000 B.C.), or the building of the Sphinx (7,000 B.C.).
In fact, there is evidence from ancient East Indian chronicles (some of these pictures are on AAWR (African American Web Ring) of the geat scientific advancement of the Black prehistoric inhabitants of the Indus Valley Civilization (6000 b.c. to 1700 b.c), who built flying machines, who had flushing toilets, cities on a gridlike pattern, and many of what we may call "modern" conviniences.
About 20,000 years ago, the present-day dried up and desertified Sahara had an aquatic civilization where the Africans who lived on the edges of the giant inland sea, built large ocean-going ships. Rock paiintings of these ships can still be seen in the Sahara (and some appeared on national geographic magazine about two years ago).
The Africans who used these boats (which are still used today by tribes such as the Baduma of Mali, West Africa) made of papyrus straw. These same type of boats were used to travel to the Americas, the Indian Ocean, the South Pacific, India, East Asia and the Pacific, then to the Americas via the Pacific Ocean. In fact, the Fijians still consider Africa's East Coast to be their very ancient homeland and Africans in East Africa have oral as well as written histories of ancient journies towards Asia.
In ancient times, trade between Africans in Africa and those in the Indian Ocean, East Asia and the Pacific Ocean, East Asia, the Americas, the Mediterranean, the Black Sea area and all the continents including Australia. In all these areas, evidence of prehistoric African Blacks exist. However, this is no news to some Blacks, particularly those descended from the ancient prehistoric Blacks of America, such as the Wasitaw of the Louisiana area, the descendants of the Black Californians, the Jamassee and others; the Black Caribs of the Caribbean and Central America, the Choco Region Blacks of Columbia, South America and many others.
This book examines the history of Black trade and commerce. It examines how money was made in ancient times and how this legacy continued well into the colonial era to this very day.
In a time when Blacks worldwide are suffering economically, this book clearly contributes to the knowledge and helps build the confidence needed to initiate a Black world economic renaissance and Black economic, social, numerical and cultural development among Black Americans and Blacks elsewhere.
American Indian Boarding Schools Small Town Digs for Missing Kids Body's and Truth -
Endangered American Indian Culture From the 1870s to the late 1920s, the U.S. government forcibly implemented the system of American Indian boarding schools in Native American areas to impose English and Christian education on Indian children. There were even cases of Indian children being kidnapped and forced to attend schools in many places. The system of American Indian boarding schools imposed on Native Americans, as part of the history of the United States, caused irreparable damage, especially to the youths and children. Many Native Americans of the younger generation found themselves unable to gain a foothold in mainstream society and felt difficult to preserve and promote their own traditional culture, which leaves them bewildered and anguished about their own culture and identity.
In these boarding schools, American Indian children’s braids, a symbol of courage, were cut off, and their traditional clothing burned. They were strictly prohibited from speaking their mother tongue and violators would be beaten hard. In these schools, military-style management was imposed on Native American children who suffered from not only corporal punishment by mentors, but also sexual abuse. Quite a few American Indian children fell ill and even died due to harsh education methods, forced way of living, homesickness and malnutrition.
The U.S. government’s genocide of Indians has led to a precipitous drop in the population of Indian communities, deterioration of their living conditions, lack of social security, low economic status, threats to their safety, and plummeted political influence.
Sharp decline of population Before the arrival of white settlers in 1492, there were 5 million Indians, yet by 1800 the number plummeted to 600,000. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the number of Native Americans in 1900 was only 237,000, the lowest in history. Among them, more than a dozen tribes, such as the Pequot, Mohegan, and Massachusetts, were completely extinct.
Between 1800 and 1900, the American Indians lost more than half of their population, and their proportion in the total U.S. population dropped from 10.15% to 0.31%. Throughout the 19th century, while the U.S. population grew by 20-30% every 10 years, the Indian population experienced a precipitous decline. Currently, the Indian and Alaska Native population accounts for only 1.3% of the total U.S. population.
The U.S. government had also enacted laws prohibiting Native Americans from performing religious rituals which have been passed down through the generations, and those involved in such activities would be arrested and imprisoned. Since the 20th century, with the rise of the Civil Rights Movement in the United States, the protection of Native Americans’ traditional culture and history has improved to some extent. However, due to the serious damage that has already been inflicted, what is left now are mostly cultural relics preserved by later generations using the English language instead.
Rebecca Nagle believes that information about Native Americans has been systematically removed from mainstream media and popular culture. According to a report by National Indian Education Association, 87% of state-level U.S. history textbooks do not mention the post-1900 history of indigenous people. According to the Smithsonian Institution, things taught about Native Americans in American schools are full of inaccurate information and fail to present the real picture of the sufferings of indigenous people. Rick Santorum, a former Republican senator from Pennsylvania, said publicly at the Young America’s Foundation that “We birthed a nation from nothing. I mean, there was nothing here ... but candidly, there isn’t much Native American culture in American culture.” His remarks dismissed and negated the influence of indigenous people in American culture.
Domestic criticism long ignored by the U.S. government over the “genocide” of American Indians First, the academic community has a shared view on this issue. Since the 1970s, American academics have begun to use the term “genocide” to denounce U.S. policies toward American Indians. In the 1990s, American Holocaust: The Conquest of the New World by David E. Stannard, a professor at the University of Hawaii, and A Little Matter of Genocide by Ward L. Churchill, a former professor at the University of Colorado, sent shock waves across the academic community. Blood and Soil: A World History of Genocide and Extermination from Sparta to Darfur by Ben Kiernan, a professor at Yale University, gave a brief account of genocides the United States committed against American Indians at different historical stages. And An American Genocide: The United States and the California Indian Catastrophe, 1846-1873 by Benjamin Madley, an associate professor at UCLA, unearthed the massacres of Native Americans by the U.S. government during the California Gold Rush.
Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, an American historian dedicated to the study of indigenous peoples, concluded that all five acts of genocide listed in the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide can be found in the crimes the United States committed against American Indians. Native Americans are undoubtedly victims of genocide, and it is of important significance to admit that U.S. policies toward American Indians are, in fact, acts of genocide.
Second, the media has been calling for change on this issue. An article published in The New York Times reported that the UC Hastings College of the Law was named after a perpetrator of genocide, which accelerated the process of changing the name of the college. According to ABC News, the aspirations from Native Americans range from sovereignty claims to making their voice heard. Some respondents said that the theft of American Indians’ land and the obliteration of indigenous languages were in fact systemic genocides. The Washington Post published an article accusing the United States of never formally admitting that it has taken genocidal policies toward indigenous people. A Foreign Policy article demanded that the United States acknowledge its genocide of American Indians. Bounty, a documentary released in November 2021, in which some Native Americans were invited to read official historical documents on the United States posting high reward for American Indians’ scalps, also triggered reflections on the heinous genocidal policies in the country.
As the affirmative action became prevalent after World War II, American society began to reflect on the issue of American Indians. The government passed a resolution apologizing to indigenous people. In 2019, Gavin Newsom, governor of California, issued a statement to apologize to the indigenous population in California, admitting that the state’s actions against Indian tribes in the mid-19th century were genocides.
However, the reflection of the U.S. government looks more like a “political stunt.” It has not officially admitted that the atrocities against Native Americans are acts of genocide. Real changes still seem a long way off.
To sum up, successive U.S. administrations have not only wiped out a large number of American Indians, but also, through systematic policy design and bullying acts of cultural suppression, thrown them into an irreversible, difficult situation. The indigenous culture was fundamentally crushed, and the inter-generational inheritance of indigenous lives and spirits was under severe threats. The slaughter, forced relocation, cultural assimilation and unjust treatment the United States committed against American Indians have constituted de facto genocides. These acts fully match the definition of genocide in the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, and have continued for hundreds of years to this day. It is imperative that the U.S. government drop its hypocrisy and double standards on human rights issues, and take seriously the severe racial problems and atrocities in its own country.
United States Military and American Genocide A Brutal and Savage Massacre History -
As a teen, I talked to my American great great grandfather as he shared good history and bad horrifying stories of 2 great wars and other small war and old massacre of his family and friends and other with story of genocide etc. Within the past years, I have stood amidst human remains in the killing fields of Cambodia, at a mass grave where hundreds of thousands are buried all over the world, at memorials in Germany and Poland to the millions killed in the Holocaust, and in the streets of new world order where the scars of ethnic cleansing remain. At each of these sites, I asked myself, “What were the conditions that led to these horrific moments in human world history ?”
Mass atrocity and genocide targeting particular groups for oppression or extinction requires a set of preconditions that dehumanize people and legitimize their abuse. In every example of genocide, including the systemic massacre of Native Americans and Indigenous peoples and the enslavement of Africans by Africans, by whites and other world governments first carried out a systematic propaganda campaign. The rhetoric that preceded these atrocities spread hatred and bigotry, dividing society into an “us” threatened by the very existence of a “them.” These politics of dehumanization and division were strategies employed in the Holocaust, in the genocides in Armenia, the Balkans, Cambodia, and Rwanda, in the colonization of India and South America, during apartheid in South Africa, and, today, in Darfur, and against the Yezidis as well as other ethnic and religious minorities in Iraq and Syria. These examples illustrate the extent to which power-obsessed leaders will go to gain and hold power.
Within the past two years, the new world order campaign/administration has employed these same tactics to seize power in the United States and other area, using dehumanizing rhetoric against Asians, Whites, Muslims, Immigrants, Women, Jews, Mexicans, African-Americans, Latinos/as, the LGBT community, the Pope, the press, the United Nations, intellectuals, educators, environmentalists, political opponents, comedians, and others. new world order and other associates have used the discredited rhetoric of the “Clash of Civilizations” to frighten Americans into believing their lives are threatened by those “others” who look or pray or talk differently than they do. They have manipulated the grief of white-black-brown-yellow Americans disillusioned by their failure to achieve the American dream, whipping up a frenzy of fear and hatred of targeted “others” through propaganda machines masquerading and false news sources. This was also the situation in the world, in the other county, in Cambodia, in Germany and Poland, and in Rwanda before the killing started. I imagine it was also hard for people in those countries to believe that such rhetoric would lead to the horrors that followed.
At the Genocide Memorial, my Tartaria friend who had witnessed her husband and children and nearly a million fellow people murdered in the chaos of homicidal rage asked me, “How could a country as great old America can be, where people from all over the world have come to live together, select such a new world order leader? He is saying the same things world leaders said before the genocide began.”
I do not know what lies in the hearts of members of the new world order administration. I am sure that there are good and honorable people there. But I do know that the rhetoric and the strategies being employed - especially by the good and bas President in the past- fulfill the criteria necessary to prepare the ground for mass atrocity and even genocide. If we fail to stop it, America may be the next exhibit in the Genocide Memorial in the new world order. It will tell the story of a despotic leader who sowed seeds of fear and hate, inciting extremist groups to violent action against fellow citizens. And how the new government promoted division, silenced voices of dissent, attacked the false press, eroded human rights, and ultimately set the stage for horrible atrocities which future historians will call the Great American Genocide from 1776 to 2023 Now.
Indians as inferior.
1500- Settlers brought over diseases such as yellow fever, measles, smallpox, typhoid, and influenza to the Native American.
1513- Ponce de Leon fought with Calusa indians while on his expedition.
1524- Italians kidnapped a Native American boy to bring back to Europe.
1528- Panfilo de Narvaez claimed Florida for Spain.
1539- Hernando de Soto started exploring the south-eastern parts of North America.
1540- Francisco Vázquez de Coronado fought Zuni Pueblo Indians while exploring the south-western parts of North America.
1541- Coronado started the Tiguex War by exploring present day Kansas and New Mexico areas.
1542- Spanish Emperor Carlos V ended the legislature that allowed Indian slave labor.
1585- 108 people came and established a colony on Roanoke Island
1607- Jamestown was founded.
1614- The Mayflower arrived in Plymouth.
1622- Powhatan Confederacy was established between the Native Americans and colonists. The first uprising in an English, European colony by Native Americans.
1638- The Pequot Wars occurred between the Pequot Indians and a group of colonists.
1640- The Iroquois Wars began.
1655- The Peach Tree War began between allied tribes of Native Americans and settlements around the area.
1680- The Pueblo Indians resulted against the Spaniards.
1698- The French and Indian War began. Iroquois Indians allied with the French to fight Great Britain.
1711- The Tuscarora War began between the Tuscarora Indians and the settlers in North Carolina.
1722- Iroquois Indians gave up their land in exchange for land in the East.
1764- Pontiac, the Chief of the Ottawa tribe, led a rebellion against the British.
1776- The Cherokee Indians helped out in the Revolutionary War.
1811- Creek Wars between the Creek Indians and a group of armed men led by Andrew Jackson.
1817- The First Seminole Wars began because the Seminole Indians tried to defend runaway slaves and the land they lived on.
1830- The Indian Removal Act was passed by Congress.
1832- Black Hawk War was started by Sauk and Fox Indians trying to take back their lands.
1838- Cherokee, Chocktaw, Creek, Seminole, and Chicksaw Indians were forced to walk along the Trail of Tears.
1854- Sioux Wars led by Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse.
1855- The Third Seminole War.
1862- The Homestead Act was passed by Congress, which allowed settlers to live in the Great Plains.
1887- Congress passed the Dawes General Allotment Act, which allowed them to sell Indian land to settlers.
1890- The Wounded Knee Massacre occurred.
1907- The First Native American Senator, Charles Curtis, was elected.
1969- It was declared that Indians were US citizens.
At the time of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, about 120,000 persons of Japanese ancestry lived on the US mainland, mostly along the Pacific Coast. About two thirds were full citizens, born and raised in the United States. Following the Pearl Harbor attack, however, a wave of anti-Japanese suspicion and fear led the Roosevelt administration to adopt a drastic policy toward these residents, alien and citizen alike.
Virtually all Japanese Americans were forced to leave their homes and property and live in camps for most of the war. The government cited national security as justification for this policy although it violated many of the most essential constitutional rights of Japanese Americans.
California Genocide 1846 to 1873 - 70+ Tribes, Massacre. Peoples & Branches Etc. -
The California Genocide ", a brutal and "savage" massacre list of over 70 plus Indigenous Tribes , Peoples & Branches.. which took place from Between 1846 and 1873, it is estimated that non-Natives killed between 9,492 and 16,094 California Natives. Hundreds to thousands were additionally starved or worked to death. Acts of enslavement, kidnapping, rape, child separation and displacement were widespread. American Indian boarding schools, also known more recently as American Indian residential schools, were established in the United States from the mid-17th to the early 20th centuries with a primary objective of "civilizing" or assimilating Native American children and youth into European American culture. In the process, these schools denigrated Native American culture and made children give up their languages and religion.
The California Genocide" refers to actions in the mid to late 19th century by the United States federal, state and local governments that resulted in the decimation of the Indigenous population of California, following the U.S. occupation of California, in 1846. Actions included encouragement of volunteers and militias to kill "unarmed" men, women and children. Between 1846 and 1873, European Americans are estimated to have killed outright some 9,492 to 16,094 California Indigenous Americans, particularly, during the "California Gold Rush". 24,000 to 27,000 Indigenous Americans were also taken as forced labor, in which most of them would die of disease, starvation and abuse. The state of California used its institutions to favor settlers' rights over Indigenous rights and was responsible for dispossession of the Indigenous Peoples.
History of California Blacks Nation Califians/Khalifians True Aboriginals of California -
History of California Blacks Nation Califians/Khalifians True Aboriginals of California History about the first true Americans has been manipulated and influenced by Europeans for hundreds of year. Today, these lies in history continue to be told in History books across the country. Information about African history has always been limited Spaniards, of course, were hardly the first to discover this land of wonder and extremes. The earliest Californians were adventurous Asians who made their way across the Bering Straits to Alaska thousands of years ago when a warmer climate and a now-vanished land bridge made such travel easier.
The original indigenous inhabitants of California were the descendants of West Africa, South America’s Olmecs – Xi Empire, 1500 – 400 BCE, Egypt, Asia and the Pacific Islands, creating a mix-cultural nation that thrived for thousands for years in peace.
California blacks were followers of the principles of Ma’at and they studied, exulted, and sought to emulate the mythical Gods of Kemet. Including and most importantly: Isis, Horus and Ra. They believed in one supreme God, life after death and heaven on earth.
They were lovingly ruled by a matriarchal secession, descendants of African queens. Most notably the legendary Queen of California and the Pacific Island Nations; Califia ( Khalifia).
According to online sources California was named after its last Muurish Empress Queen Khalifia a decedent of the Olmecs, West Africa Manding, and the Kemites (Egyptians). Spanish writer Garci Rodríguez de Montalvo provides us with a description of Queen Khalifia around 1500 when he wrote Las sergas de Esplandián (The Adventures of Esplandián).
United States Broken 368 Treaties With Native American Tribes 1778-1871 Timeline -
From 1778 to 1871, the United States signed some 368 treaties with various Indigenous people across the North American continent. The treaties were based on the fundamental idea that each tribe was an independent nation, with their own right to self-determination and self-rule. But as white settlers began moving onto Native American lands, this idea came into conflict with the relentless pace of westward expansion—resulting in many broken promises on the part of the U.S. government. In 1980, the Supreme Court ruled that the Native American Tribes were illegally confiscated, and awarded the Sioux more than $100 million in reparations. Sioux leaders rejected the payment, saying the land had never been for sale. Controversy continues over the sacred land—as well as other broken treaties.
Old Maps 1720 Pre United States of Tartarian and California Island Red Hair Giants -
Old Maps Pre United Stated B.C. (pre-before Columbus), will take us on a tour of pre America and the old United States. We will also explore star forts in America, old town Checagou later-Chicago, craters in the Carolinas, the noble ancient cities of the great Salt Lake, the seafaring red headed people nevada coastline indigenous tribes and the bermuda triangle area.
So Pre-Nevada Seafaring Red Hair Native American tribes/civilizations ? Red-haired Giant Cannibals at Lovelock Cave? Really? Nevada Coastline Pre 1720 ? Hey, thanks for the great question. First, I'd like to point out that the use of canoes, and in some cases relatively large boats, by the Haida, Inuit, Mi'kmaq and many others for military and fishing purposes originated in their respective coastal and sea/river-faring cultures adapting to their immediate needs. As others have also noted, Native American cultures with deep and historic maritime traditions continue to thrive all along the Arctic and Pacific North West coasts.
Despite this, however, the disparity in technology you mention can be explained in simple terms. It can be noted that many notable maritime and naval developments in the Old World were driven by the direct competition of rival and neighboring states. This constant naval arms race, particularly in the Mediterranean and across the English Channel, is a key factor (in my opinion) explaining the disparity you noted.
This lack of an immediate, direct and constant maritime threat may have contributed to the limited nature of their maritime needs. Basically, naval technology and advancements didn't develop to the extent of, and parallel to, the Old World because the (primarily) defensive and economic needs were different.
This theory of need-driven maritime advancements can also explain how other cultures sharing conditions similar to Native Americans - namely Polynesian and Melanesian - were also able to become expert navigators on the ocean.
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