Useful Idiots HOODWINKED By Hamas

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In an opinion article published by The New York Post Thursday, Douglas Murray wrote:

“This one is for the morons.

For the students busily cosplaying at being terrorists on our city’s campuses.

The automatons whose new radical-chic uniform is an Arab keffiyeh.

Specifically to the ones who have decided to chant for “Intifada” and unveil a vast banner down the side of Hamilton Hall at #Columbia this week.

“Intifada,” the banner said, in huge letters as the mob below shrieked approval.

Most of these students weren’t born when the Palestinians last had an “Intifada.”

Murray’s article went on to describe just a few of the terror attacks upon #Israel that happened during the second #Intifada, in a desperate attempt to give America’s youth a quick education in recent history that they’re not old enough to have any firsthand memory of, and that obviously wasn’t taught to them at their Ivy League schools.

But will the message reach them? Will facts convince them at this point? They’ve gone down a rabbit hole of #propaganda so deep, and been so thoroughly indoctrinated by their professors, it may be impossible to deprogram them with any amount of brain bleach.

The anti-Zionist hatred they’ve learned from their #Marxist theory professor is reinforced daily by their favorite online influencers: Richard Medhurst, Scott Ritter, Max Blumenthal, Jimmy Dore, Col. Douglas MacGregor, George Galloway, Candace Owens…the list goes on.

Some of these well-known political commentators present themselves as journalists, but they’re not. They’re propagandists, doing public relations work for Hamas, Qatar, and Iran as soldiers on the front lines of the information war — and right now, Hamas is winning.

On this episode of Maverick News, Rick and I discuss the escalating intimidation and violence against #Jews at the #Gaza Solidarity Encampments across America, the social media propagandists who are stoking this fire of #antisemitism and #hate, and who’s funding them.

From #CUNY to #UCLA to my old Alma Mater, the University of Texas at #Austin, thousands of young college students are being hoodwinked by #Hamas, through their paid mouthpieces.

We’ll show you some pretty shocking videos from the riots on university campuses this week, and examples of the #antisemitic propaganda that our kids consume on the regular.

At Maverick News, we don’t do propaganda for foreign enemies. We report the news, and tell you the truth as best we can discern it — because truth without integrity is worth nothing.

This episode opens with an editorial from Maverick News CEO Rick Walker, then I join the program to add my perspective. It’s an important conversation between two veteran journalists you won’t want to miss. Please join us tonight at 8:30 Eastern.

Thanks for watching!

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