This Video Of Biden's Chief Economic Adviser Is Making The Rounds (Yeah, It Explains A Lot)

7 months ago

Jared Bernstein is the chair of the Biden White House's Council of Economic Advisers, where one of his chief duties is to put frosting on crappy news with regular somewhat laughable attempts to put a positive spin on what "Bidenomics" has brought. Bernstein often takes the Paul Krugman approach by claiming that the economy is doing great if you don't count all the bad stuff: WH Chief Economic Gaslighter Jared Bernstein: "You take out some of those more volatile components [from the GDP report] and … year-over-year, GDP is up 3 percent … Add in the very strong job market … and I think you understand the underlying economy is solid as ever.” -- Bernstein often dials the gaslighting up to eleven to try and convince everybody to believe the White House instead of their own lying eyes and grocery/energy bills.

There's a video featuring Bernstein making the rounds in which he tries to explain how things work, and it'll just pump you full of confidence. Wait, no it won't: BIDENOMICS: The reason the economy is imploding might be because this guy, Jared Bernstein, Chair of Biden’s Council of Economic Advisors is setting our economic policy. His background? Bachelors in Music and Doctorate in Social Welfare. This is absolutely insane… This is Jared Bernstein. Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers. He advises Biden on economic policy. "Absolutely insane" is the Biden administration's credo! This is absolutely priceless. And probably the most frightening clip you'll ever watch on the people in charge of the US economy. Jared Bernstein is literally the Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers, the main agency advising Biden on economic policy.

The video apparently comes from a new documentary called "Finding the Money." Well, the country's about $35 trillion in debt, so they're not "finding" the money as much as they are printing it.

• More at: Twitchy - This Video of Biden's Chief Economic Adviser Is Making the Rounds (Yeah, It Explains a LOT)

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