Low-Tox Set Up For Way More Energy

9 months ago

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Body Boosting Call: https://calendly.com/pamzschmidt/bb
Daily routines make a very big impact on energy throughout the day.
I know you have been dragging around every day, SO TIRED.
You’re saying, “I’m tired of being tired!”

We don’t wake up feeling low on energy without reasons. This low energy is a text message from our bodies that something needs to change.
I’ve got a list, and my LAST TWO are powerful!

So here’s my best suggestions for a Low-Tox improvement of energy:
-Ensure You’re Pooping Everyday (at least once). Stuck poop can mean Toxin Reabsorption in the colon. These toxins include excess hormones, liver toxins, and cholesterol. Magnesium Glycinate supplement helps me.

-Make Breakfast an Energy Booster: Eat protein, fruit/veggies. And IF you have any grains, make sure they are complex ones, like oatmeal versus commercial cereal.
I say IF you have grains, because many of us do best without gluten-heavy grains. Limit or eliminate dairy products too, because they can make us sleepy.

-OR SKIP Breakfast altogether: Many people find they have better energy by doing Intermittent Fasting until lunch. This helps energy because by restricting food, our bodies will more quickly and efficiently tap our fat stores for energy. Intermittent fasting lowers & improves liver enzymes, while reducing oxidative stress and inflammation, which can lead to liver damage. When we take care of these things, energy can improve.

Here’s my favorites for Low-Tox Energy Boosting
Purge Internal Parasites (the energy thieves): They steal the nutrients we eat, and cause poor nutritional absorption. Parasites can disrupt the intestinal microbiome, which causes fatigue and brain fog. Anemia can be the result when parasites feed on red blood cells. Using a parasite protocol is an important way to regain energy.
>>Body Boosting Call

Consider Emotions that affect Energy: Ongoing low energy can mean unresolved deep-seeded sadness, being tired of the day-to-day struggle, wanting to “quit”.
Give yourself an Energy Bath, Clearing feelings of disempowerment, low self-esteem, suppressed feelings. Concentrate on toxic, heavy energy leaving your body. Pray to ask God to pour upon you a life of ease, creativity, freedom, peace, & tranquility in your body.
Improving energy comes from a perfect balance of Body, Mind, and Emotions. We crave more energy, and we’ve got so many factors that can drain it from us.

Practicing healthy routines & detoxing makes a tremendous difference in our quality of life!
So this is why I am giving away free coaching sessions. It’s for people, like you, who want to change their lives in a holistic way. And you need a “travel partner" to help you complete the journey.

To help with this, I’m giving away free coaching sessions for those who truly want to change their health. https://calendly.com/pamzschmidt/bb

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