Tips To Heal Your Daily Toxic Load

9 months ago

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You know we have toxins floating around our bodies every day. Right?
No matter how much I try to avoid toxic exposures, it’s still gonna happen. So instead of getting hysterical about it, I make sure to get daily detox routines checked off each day:
- Hydration with filtered water (1/2 my weight in ounces)
- Limit processed sugar
- Limit processed foods, replace them with whole organic foods
- Use skin/hair products that are pure (aloe & oils) with ingredients from nature
- Get quality and quantity of sleep (this has been my bigger struggle)
And I saved the biggest for the last point- take care to circulate lymphatic fluids throughout the body.
Lymph fluid is sometimes called the sewer system of the body. BUT it does much more important tasks, such as carrying white blood cells, transporting hormones, reacting to infections, and absorbing some of the fats in our intestines.
Here’s some enjoyable ways to assist the body in lymph circulation:
- Deep breathing
- Dry brushing skin
- Tapping key lymph areas
- Massage
- Exercise: swim, walk, jump, rebound, calf raises, glute bridges, cat/cow exercise.
It’s important for me to make sure my lymph fluids are getting enough action daily, that it can handle its job to get rid of infection, toxins, and to help repair my body.

Finding healthy routines makes a tremendous difference in our quality of life!
So this is why I am giving away free coaching sessions. It’s for people, like you, who want to change their lives in a holistic way. And you need the travel partner to help you complete the journey.
Body Breakthrough

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