No One Believes This: Jamaal Bowman Says He Was A Victim Of Police Brutality At 11-Years-Old

9 months ago

Rep. Jamaal Bowman lies a lot. We know this isn't breaking news for anyone who reads Twitchy. The man is featured here regularly for all the times he has lied. After all, we don't call him 'Fire Marshal Bowman' for nothing. But it's not just his famous mistaking a fire alarm for an exit door that makes us call him a liar. He's also a 9/11 conspiracy theorist, he has called for a 'revolution' in our justice system (which seems pretty insurrection-y to us), and -- as a proud member of the Hamas Caucus -- he never misses an opportunity to lie about Israel and the Jewish people, even denying the atrocities of October 7. Just yesterday, Bowman went so far as to call New York subway hero Daniel Penny a murderer, even though Penny hasn't been convicted of anything and isn't charged with murder.

So, it came as no surprise to us that Bowman trotted out another lie this week after police dismantled pro-Hamas encampments at universities and arrested many violent demonstrators for breaking the law. In true race-hustling fashion, he took to the floor of the House to claim that he, too, was a victim of 'police brutality' when he was only 11. Why? Just because he is black, of course. -- Rep. Bowman: “When I was 11, I was a victim of police brutality simply for being black in America. Now, I see that brutality being inflicted on peaceful students at Columbia.” 🤡 Hang on? You were a black man when you were 11 years old? That's some really early-onset puberty there, Rep. Bowman, LOL. Obviously, Bowman never specified the nature of this 'police brutality' incident when he was an 11-year-old man, nor provided any verifiable details. Because it never happened.

It was 1986 when Bowman was 11. He wants us to think he grew up in the Jim Crow-era South. (He may have even been on the bus with Rosa Parks, we're pretty sure.) Yeah. NO ONE was buying this. -- “This never happened, just like that isn’t happening now. Race baiting hack.” -- Yellow is a really good color for Bowman … if you know what we mean. -- Uncle Al hook up -- Yep. It's straight out of the Al Sharpton playbook. -- HA. We need to play that clip on a background loop from now on whenever Bowman is speaking.

• More at: Twitchy - No One Believes You: Jamaal Bowman Says He Was a Victim of Police Brutality at 11 Years Old

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