Billions for the bankers

9 months ago

Part One is a reprint of Sheldon Emry’s book, “BILLION$ FOR THE BANKER$-DEBTS FOR THE PEOPLE concerning the international bankers and the unconstitutional privately owned Federal Reserve System that, since 1913, has looted the citizens out of trillions of dollars. It was published without any copyright so it could be easily and economically distributed world wide. Mr. Emry clearly explains the simplicity yet evilness of the "Banksters" great scam against us. Although written in 1984, the same principles still apply. Part Two elaborates on this important work with comments and additional information by author Larry Flinchpaugh concerning the Money-Control over America. Part Three “Credit As a Public Utility” Part Four Author Larry Flinchpaughs “Letters to ther Editor” concerning our countries monetary issues. The first step in fixing our country's flawed monetary system is to educate the public so they will elect representatives who will vote to abolish the privately owned “Federal Reserve” and the “Fractional Reserve Banking System” and then allow the U.S. Treasury to print our money “interest free” as provided for in the Constitution and convert privately owned state banks to banks owned by the state (taxpayer). Consider reading this book several times until you fully understand our countries monetary system.

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