Horst Wessel Lied [German + Turkish + English Lyrics]

5 months ago

Horst Wessel Lied [German + Turkish + English Lyrics]

"Horst-Wessel-Lied" History Brief:
Written in 1929 by Sturmführer Horst Wessel, commander of the Nazi paramilitary "Brownshirts" (Sturmabteilung or "SA") in Berlin's Friedrichshain district. Joseph Goebbels declared it the NSDAP Party anthem. When Hitler became Chancellor in 1933, it became a national symbol by law, with the "Hitler salute" required during specific verses.



Dieses Video hat nicht den Zweck, den Nationalsozialismus oder eine andere Ideologie, die im Video dargestellt wird, zu verherrlichen oder zu unterstützen. Wir unterstützen keinen Faschismus, Nationalsozialismus, Falangismus, Xenophobie oder irgendeine Form von Rassenüberlegenheit. Dieses Video dient ausschließlich zu Bildungs- und historischen Dokumentationszwecken.

Bu video, video içerisinde sunulan herhangi bir ideolojiyi yüceltmek veya desteklemek amacıyla yapılmamıştır. Biz, Faşizmi, Nazizmi, Falanjizmi, Yabancı Düşmanlığını veya herhangi bir türde ırk üstünlüğünü desteklemiyoruz. Bu video, eğitim ve tarihsel belgeleme amaçları için yapılmıştır.

This video is not intended to glorify or support Nazism or any other ideology presented in the video. We do not support Fascism, Nazism, Falangism, Xenophobia or any sort of racial supremacy. This video is made for educational and historical documentation purposes.

horst wessel
horst wessel lied
die fahne hoch
german songs
german military songs
german war songs
nazi songs
nazi germany
nazi music
nazi sa
nazi sa march
nazi sa march song
nazi sa song

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