Pakistan Becomes the 1st Islamic Country

9 months ago

congratulations pakiatan.
pakistan has become the 1st islamic country to send lunar mission and 6th in the whole world. pakistan sent its 1st lunar mission named "IQube Lunar". Pakistan launched its mission on Friday 3rd May2024. after which pakistan has become 1 islamic country who sent its own lunar mission.

Pakistan's Institute of Space Technology (IST) worked on this mission with collaboration of China where they worked hard to achieve this milstone for Pakistan and finally today on 3rd may this mission launched into space from Chengwang satation in china.

Reports say that this mission shall reach to its deatination in next 5,6 days and this mission shall revolve around lunar orbit to collect real time pictures or lunar surface for research and all this shall take 3-6 months to complete this mission..

May this mission achieve its all purposes. Ameen.

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