Can INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME Take My Mother Home with Tracheostomy and Dialysis?

9 months ago

Can INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME Take My Mother Home with Tracheostomy and Dialysis?

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Hi, it’s Patrik Hutzel from where we provide tailor-made solutions for long-term ventilated adults and children with tracheostomies and where we also provide tailor-made solutions for hospitals and intensive care units whilst providing quality care for long-term ventilated adults and children with tracheostomies. We also provide care to otherwise medically complex adults and children at home, including Home BIPAP (bilevel positive airway pressure), Home CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) ventilation, home tracheostomy care when adults and children are not ventilated. Also, Home TPN (total parenteral nutrition), Home IV potassium infusions, Home IV magnesium infusions, as well as IV antibiotic infusions at home. We also provide port management, central line management, PICC (Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter) line management, Hickman’s line management, as well as palliative care at home that also includes ventilation weaning.

We have also provided an emergency department bypass service in the past for the Western Sydney Local Area Health District, which successfully kept patients at home as opposed to them going to an emergency department as part of a successful tender.

Now, in today’s video, I have a question from Desiree, who says,

“Hi Patrik,

My mother has a tracheostomy but is not on a ventilator. I’m having difficulties finding a provider that can take my mother home from the hospital. She also needs dialysis treatment while she’s at home or in an outpatient center. So, I’ve now begun looking into several providers, but I’m still hit with roadblocks. Nobody seems to want to take my mother home with a tracheostomy needing dialysis. It’s currently up in the air as to whether someone can take her home or not. Is this something Intensive Care at Home can help with?”

Well, thanks, Desiree, for sending your question through here.

Now, this is something that we can absolutely help with. This is bread and butter for us. With going to dialysis as an outpatient, that’s certainly a possibility. Once your mom is at home with a tracheostomy, she needs 24-hour intensive care nurses at home because a tracheostomy is an artificial airway that requires the skill of intensive care nurses, 24 hours a day, to keep your mom out of hospital predictably.

Few weeks ago, I’ve done a YouTube live with the title, “A blueprint for hospital discharge with tracheostomy with Intensive Care at Home.” I talked about an evidence-based discharge.

So, what do I mean by that? Evidence-based means that home care for tracheostomy patients is evidence-based, and you can look up the evidence on our website under the Mechanical Home Ventilation Guidelines. So, these guidelines are a result of over 25 years Intensive Care at Home nursing in Germany where it all started, and over 10 years of Intensive Care at Home nursing in Australia.

Now, with Intensive Care at Home and clearly the Mechanical Home Ventilation Guidelines once again are evidence-based and say that only critical care nurses with a minimum of two years critical care nursing experience can keep patients at home safely on ventilation and/or tracheostomy.

So, in order to get your mom home safely, I’m not surprised that you are hitting roadblocks because, there might be some providers out there who can say they can do that with support workers or with general registered nurses. Unfortunately, I have to give you bad news.

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