Is Auston Holleman's Mom A Sprinkle Sprinkle Lady? PLUS: More Princella F*ckery!

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You just cannot make this stuff up! Following up on the truly disturbing exchange between Passport Bro Auston Holleman and his mother, your correspondent has obtained the social media accounts of the former, which only adds more fuel to an already raging dysfunctional fire. With this additional evidence bearing out what some have speculated may be the real or true reason why Holleman is a Passport Bro in the first place, the conversation now has to rightly shift away from more shallow and superficial schoolyard taunts about Passport Bros being "ugly" or "socially awkward", to the very sobering reality that far too many Black mothers - the vast majority of whom are like Auston's mom in being single "boy moms" - have created the very Passport Bros they complain about on social media in the first place(!). Is the Black community willing and able to accept this sobering truth and have a mature and introspective conversation about it? A conversation that acknowledges that so many Black men - like Auston - are literally running away from Black women, many of whom are their actual mothers? Is the Black community willing to engage in a conversation about the very real emotional, verbal, psychological abuse that far too many Black moms enact on their own sons? Sadly, I think to ask the question is to answer it. Plus: Yanie Red "breaks her silence" in the wake of the big messy breakup between Princella Clark and B. Taylor last month - but why did it take this long for Yanie to speak out? Is she merely in damage control mode? And why does she keep dragging Black men writ large into the matter, when by definition this whole messy affair went down between two Black women in particular, and involving Black women more generally? We're gonna talk about it TODAY ONLY ON RUMBLE!

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