The Liberal Destroyer

10 months ago

In my own opinion be happy, if you are a man and prefer to be wearing a dress then go for it, just do not create a victim!! And vice versa for women. But when liberals start to twist actual science and churn out the bullshit made up pronouns I see political activists, the enemy within. Wear a dress, be classy not trash and keep your d!ck tucked away because the world doesn't want to see it. Same with all you dumbs liberal women showing your vulvas on tiktok and youtube, or in the gym, real men have no respect for you and never will. So feel free be who you want to be, but when you allow yourselves to be controlled by ideological subversion and brainwashed by the marxists pre-seeded in the halls of the indoctrination system then as this man says you are part of the problem, the enemy. What started out many years ago of wanting to be accepted, we are now in times where even the liberals cannot define what a woman is, so when you have worked out who the fcuk you are then perhaps then you can quit screaming and be rational, because most people had no issues with trannies and gay folk prior to 2020. Every realised you've been played?

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