The CCP Is Involved in the Campus Uprisings in the U.S.

10 months ago

05/02/2024 Anna on Outside the Beltway: The CCP has involvement in the campus uprisings in the U.S. In one part, their investments and funds have already gone into these universities, but the other part we need to look at is that they have made deals with those who use the United States and campuses at their own will. The CCP is supporting them.
05/02/2024 喜安娜做客OUTSIDE THE BELTWAY:美国的校园动乱,中共有参与其中。一方面是中共的投资和资金已经流入这些大学;另一方面, 我们需要注意中共已经与那些随意利用美国和大学的人达成了交易。中共正在支持那些人。

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