Bad Neuenahr - Ahrweiler und Sinzig deutschland

10 months ago

Rain induced by supercontinuum laser beams'
United States
Status: Active
2038-03-22: Anticipated expiration

"A chemical-free, laser-induced rain method uses supercontinuum (SC) generation by 800 nm 100 fs (femtoseconds) ultra high power laser beams to produce photoionization in optical filaments and application of Gaussian(G) and Laguerre Gaussian (LG) beams. The SC is used to produce multiple filamentations and micro particle manipulation in the atmosphere with obvious applications in arid or drought ridden areas. Two salient steps are used to induce rain: 1) high peak power filament inducing laser pulses to ionize air molecules and preexisting aerosols, and 2) manipulation of nano and micro sized particles using special function beams as potential particle traps, such as the Laguerre Gaussian and Gaussian beams. The outcome is a clean, safe, efficient method for inducing rain. The application is not just limited to rain induction but can also be used in clearing dust and cloud clearing formations."

'Kilometer-range nonlinear propagation of femtosecond laser pulses'

"In the filaments, nonlinear self-action of the laser pulse leads to strong evolutions of its spatial (self focusing, self guiding, self reflection), spectral (four wave mixing, self phase modulation) as well as temporal (self-steepening, pulse splitting) characteristics. Extensive work has been dedicated to the characterization of such processes, from both the experimental and theoretical points of view, on both short scales and at long distances. For example, we have shown that filamentation generates broadband « white light » continuum (230 nm-4 µm). This « white-light laser » covers the absorption band of many atmospheric pollutants filaments can survive their propagation through hostile conditions (rain, haze, turbulent atmospheres)"

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Supercontinuum emission and enhanced self-guiding of ...
by L Bergé · 2005 · Cited by 116 — formed with the Teramobile laser facility. By means of chirped 150 fs, cm-waisted pulses delivering several TW in power, vertical shots in ...

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