Ever heard of this? It might be one of the biggest threats to the US long term.

7 months ago

Have you ever heard of the smith mundt modernization act?

It basically legalized spreadig false stories and conduct psychological operation on the american public.
That must've been the dumbest decision ever taken, especially long-term.
Making it so your own nations population cant even approximately discern reality from fake shit, has serious consequences.

Think about that for a second, and the serious implications and consequences this has.
Take the C.I.A
for example. Most of their recruitement pool now consists of people who have been psy-opped so hard by this point, that they have many misconceptions about history, the world, and reality itself...
Does anyone think that this will provide these agencies with capable agents?
This is obviously not good. For no-one.
By the way, I am not making this video to mock the stupidity of this.
Allthough i am not sure its just stupidity. I almost suspect that someone who wanted to see the U.S. going down the drain had influence over this being implemented. But its hard to imagine any hostile outside force having so much influence in a matter that grave.
Naturally the mind first wanders to zog being the culprit if there was an outside influence. But that is not a very likely explanation, as the state of israel surrounded by hostile arab nations, would be fucked without american military might. And sabotaging their own ally to the point that they cant provide them with this service would be like sawing off the branch your sitting on yourself.
In the case of this monologue I actually would hope that some kind of agent surveilling dissidents gets to hear it. Of course they most likely will be unwilling to seriously think about what is being said here since im classified as a fucking thought criminal.
Those concepts like political correctness, tought crimes, etc are very soviet though, but I dont know if the penny dropped yet.
Active measures communist KGB style ideological subversion could be indeed the reason how something so insane and against the best interests of america came to be.
Another similar thing is the transformer agenda wich weakens the youth to a point were most are incapable of beiing a good soldier.
Always ask yourself the question who benefits. Qui bono?
As for myself and my reasons to make this video, its pretty simple. I might not be an american, but i am sitting in Europe.
If the U.S. psy-opps themselfes into a state where they collapse, Europe will also suffer the consequences.
So im acting in my own self-interest in trying to bring this issue to the awareness of more people. Perhaps even someone who can start doing something about it.
Thats also the reason I Zanimations the maker of this video hereby declare that I release it under the CC BY-ND 4.0 license. Thats the best one I was able to find. I allows you to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format for any purpose, even commercially. The only condition is that you cant modify the material, so you cant edit it. To mean something else than what I intended.

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