Against All Hope

5 months ago

Today we continue in the Book of Romans 4:13-25 where the Apostle Paul continues to use Abraham’s example of faith in God’s promise.

He uses Abraham as example for us because even though God’s promise seems impossible and against all hope to us because our past, and present circumstances. We must believe God in hope as Abraham did the promise will be realized.

When we look at look around us at the condition of our countrymen, we see idolatry, we sexual immorality on demand, we see the destruction of families, we see the shedding of innocent blood and we see corruption in government at an all-time high.

It looks hopeless! We see the church in our country shrinking in numbers and false teaching on the rise. We see Pastors who are failing to preach the full counsel of God’s word to please men. So yes, in the natural it looks like we’re against all hope!

That’s why I believe as we look at Abraham’s example today, we can in hope believe God!

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