Wins of the Week with Ted Kuntz - May 3, 2024

4 months ago

Ted Kuntz, President of Vaccine Choice Canada shares the “Wins of the Week” for May 3, 2024. Bringing you the latest news and positive updates in the areas of Legal, Political, and Medical, in Canada and around the world.


1. The government of British Columbia is changing course on public drug use. BC Premier David Eby said that while he has compassion for those struggling with addictions, “that compassion, that concern for people who are struggling, does not mean that anything goes. As a result, he said, the B.C. government is asking Health Canada to “urgently change” the province’s decriminalization policy to stop drug use in public. Eby admitted safe supply was leading to an “escalation” of public drug consumption. The U-turn by the provincial government comes after repeated criticisms of the decriminalization policies by local politicians, health workers, and police about open drug use in public spaces.

2. Town of Woodstock in Ontario will no longer fly Pride banners on downtown lampposts. A new directive by mayor and council only allows banners promoting tourism and heritage.

3. Two states have passed laws – and two states have bills pending – intended to prevent the World Health Organization from overriding states’ authority on matters of public health policy. Utah and Florida passed laws and Louisiana and Oklahoma have legislation set to take effect soon pending final votes. Several other states are considering similar bills. Mary Holland, president of Children’s Health Defense stated: It is encouraging to see states like Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Utah pass resolutions to clarify that the WHO has no power to determine health policy in their states. Historically, health has been the purview of state and local government, not the U.S. federal government. There is no legitimate constitutional basis for the federal government to outsource health decision-making on pandemics to an international body. As state legislatures become aware of the WHO’s agenda, they are pushing back to assert their autonomy – and this is welcome.

4. Townhalls are continuing to be scheduled across Canada, with many inspired by Next week there are Townhalls in Port Alberni (May 8), Comox Valley (May 9), Nanaimo (May 10), and Vancouver (May 25). To start up a townhall in your area:

5. The “Queer Storytime Adventures for KIDS & Families” has been MOVED from the a public school library. It is now being held in a private location. The author/illustrator of the queer books for kids created a video, explaining why the event was moved. In it and in various posts from a couple of our SD33 Trustees, and the fb group that represents the Sardis United Way – They have stated this event was moved because… “Over the past weekend, we received information that a group of protestors planned to demonstrate at the front of the School property in opposition to this event. Following discussions with local representatives, including the RCMP, as well as United Way British Columbia leadership, it has been determined that the event cannot proceed as public safety cannot be ensured.” Know that your efforts are making a difference.


6. Children’s Health Defense attorneys asked the U.S. Supreme Court to hear CHD’s case against the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for granting emergency use authorization of COVID-19 vaccines for children and babies. CHD’s lawsuit, filed Jan. 24, 2022, alleges the FDA misused the emergency power to push dangerous biologics on minors. CHD CEO Mary Holland told The Defender: “CHD’s petition to the U.S. Supreme Court raises a critical question: Who can sue the FDA for malfeasance? So far in this case, the district and appeals courts have said that parents of vulnerable children cannot sue the FDA for its patent misinformation.” In other words, “When the FDA lies to kids, who can hold them accountable and stop the lies?” Someone — or some organization — must be able to hold the FDA accountable. “The FDA is not above the law. That is why CHD is asking the Supreme Court to answer the question.”

7. The number of lawsuits filed in North Carolina against Merck for its HPV vaccine, Gardasil, continue to mount and allege the company did not prove the vaccine was safe and effective before marketing it as an anti-cancer vaccine. Since 2022, almost 200 lawsuits alleging serious injury after receiving Gardasil have been consolidated in the Western District of North Carolina, Charlotte Division. The injured Plaintiffs come from across the country stating that the vaccine caused serious injury and chronic poor health.The lawsuits allege manufacture defect, failure to warn and negligence. They have been consolidated into one class action.


8. Wouter Aukema, a data forensics analyst with over 30 years experience, teamed up with a software expert to develop a tool where they were able to download ALL 15 million case safety reports over the past 20 years, for 6000 medicinal drug products and substances (within and outside of Europe) including the Covid-19 experimental shots. Thanks to Aukema and his colleague’s unique tool, the public can see for the first time the true extent of the carnage caused by the Covid-19 shots. Aukema’s dashboard of data shockingly showcased a three fold increase in case safety reports for the Covid-19 vaccines (at the start of the rollout) compared to all the other drug products and substances over the past 20 years!

9. Region of Waterloo Public Health says 1,428 secondary students have been suspended as of Wednesday for out-of-date vaccination records. The region says the last time public health issued suspensions for outdated records was in 2019 and at that time, 517 secondary students were suspended. Seems more and more families are recognizing that vaccines are not in their best interest.


10. April was Autism Awareness Month – or as it’s been rebranded, Autism Acceptance Month. Every year this time, public health officials, the media, and some autism organizations tell us how autism should be celebrated and embraced. But not everyone is embracing the dramatic increase in autism over recent decades. Mark Blaxill, co-author of “Denial: How Refusing to Face the Facts about Our Autism Epidemic Hurts Children, Families, and Our Future,” criticized attempts to normalize autism and claims that increases in autism diagnoses are simply due to improvements in detection. Quoting autism researcher and author Bernard Rimland, Blaxill declared– “The autism epidemic is real and overvaccination is its cause.” He said. “The CDC, over time, has done their best to cover up this epidemic… the agency learned how to lie with autism, and they’ve lied at every turn.”

11. The most popular Instagram posting by the VCC social media team in response to Autism Acceptance Week was the posting of my statement: “I will not accept autism acceptance. We need to challenge this idea of shifting Autism Awareness to Autism Acceptance. We shouldn’t accept the poisoning and harming of our children. We shouldn’t accept the man-made toxins that are damaging our children. It’s time we stop calling it autism and start calling it what it is – chemically brain-damaged children.”

12. I had a wonderful interview with Dr. Tom Cowan last week. In the interview he discussed the propaganda all medical professionals are exposed to in their medical training. He described it this way – When you go to medical school you come out with a mental disorder.


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