Episode 94: Why Did Ya Post-It??? Volume 4

10 months ago

Episode 94: Why Did Ya Post-It??? Volume 4

Hello and welcome to the Office of the Patriot. In this office, we try to make sense….out of the nonsense of the progressive left and the RINO right. I’m going to get right to the point, libtards are the funniest and stupidest damn people. So, to highlight their stupidity, we at the Office of the Patriot, feel it is our duty to give them the attention they crave. First on the chopping block are administrators at a high school in Albuquerque New Mexico who thought, hey let's bring a trans stripper to a high school prom. Pedo much? Next, we have Hamas sympathizing idiot protesters outside of Columbia University yelling we are all Hamas and long live Hamas. All the while eating their BLT sandwich. I'm kidding about the BLT sandwich but, who knows. And finally, we have a social justice warrior who is claiming that eco-anxiety, whatever the hell that is, is racist. So sit back, grab some snacks and get ready to be exposed to some of the most ignorant people on the planet in this episode of Office of the Patriot.

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