002. Q&A: Potty Training Puppies, Motivate a Dog w/o Treats, Building Relationships with Rescue Dogs

10 months ago

Join Sally & Corey on 'Who Let The Dogs Out' for episode 002! We're doing a Q&A this week and are excited to answer some of your questions 🐶

This is a Q&A and in this episode we cover...
1) How do you potty training a puppy?
2) If your dog doesn't respond to treats, how do you motivate your dog?
3) If you have adopted a shelter dog that is fearful, anxious, or doesn't want to come to you, how do you build a relationship with it?

If you want a question answered on the podcast, send it in to sally@wonderdogtraining.com!

Subscribe & follow the show! We'll be releasing these weekly.

10 out of the first 100 subscribers will get our Train My Wonder Dog program FREE! Subscribe and send a screenshot that you subscribed to sally@wonderdogtraining.com to enter to win! We're doing the drawing on 5/27/24.

If you need help with training, go to....
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See you next week! 🐶

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