Justin Bieber and the Chilling Images of Life in the Illuminati

4 months ago

Even synthetics (born as a clone from DNA) are subject to ritual sexual abuse. This is done to keep the subjects' bodies (abuser and abused) spiritually impure so that the demon can keep full control.
Godly light can only enter pure bodies, and demonic forces need impure bodies (transgender is ideal, but even after the sex change that most celebrities have undergone, the ritual sex, also called "sex magic," must continue).
In Justin Bieber's videos, they tell us all of this. Also notice the black goo (the same black goo that's in the vaccine-a topic already covered on this channel) in the beginning. Black goo is a vehicle for demon entry.
Watch any zombie movie and you'll see or hear references to black liquid, vomiting black liquid, black veins, etc. The Pharaohs were buried with their black goo/black stones-it was a source of demonic power (that unfortunately overpowers the host).

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