Reject: A Super Superhero Story (part 9)

5 months ago

*Anything the Ten Man builds with his own hands is something he can embue with his own consciousness. From paper airplane to origami frog, and especially every metal creation he loves to tinker with the most, these creations have every memory and every intent that the Ten Man has ever carried within. But what most do not know, except for Zachariah Abrams who spent three months with him and his creations, is that once a creation of the Ten Man holds his consciousness then every part of that creation will carry that consciousness forever. This means that when Targall Tay destroyed his robots even the tiniest sliver of metal left would carry every bit of the Ten Man and would be able to call out and let the Ten Man know where it was. The Ten Man barely escaped the damage caused during Targalls fight with SuperDuper Man, but he did escape and he has been waiting. While Targall sits in his an abandoned part of Houston trying to drink enough to equal the amount of obliteration he hoped to get from the much better drugs he never found...he doesn't know a sliver of a ruined robot has been continually calling out to its own. He doesn't know that another of the Ten Man's robots has already heard that cry and has tracked him down [AI Art]*

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