Applied Astro-Psychology Alchemy With Rodney Goodwin - Dissolving The Divide From Within 3

9 months ago

This conversation is very important and pertains to individuals whether they're aware of these things or not.. As above, so below, as the universe, so the soul. Believe it or not, but astrology is key in understanding ourselves better, which is why we chose to have Rodney on and share his advanced knowledge about these concepts so we can find balance within ourselves, which is why Libra was mentioned many times in this discussion.. And wouldn't you know it, we all discovered at one point in the cat, that we all have Libra Ascending in our blueprints/natal charts!

Rodney has a very profound wealth of knowledge that he kindly shares with us today. He is a mage, musician and teacher among other great aspects as an activated individual aligned to Cosmic Law. You can find out more about him and his powerful services on his website:
FACEBOOK: Heart Core Productions
Rodney Goodwin/messenger

We all have the common ground of being initiated into the Blue Flame Healing Arts & Occult Sciences founded by Sethikus Boza

.. Occult meaning hidden like the laws of nature- nothing satanic or cultish.. It has been a life-improving, consciousness expanding game-changer for all of us.. Rodney's had a few discussions with him that are on both of their youtube channels.. you can find out more and his magnificent services at

for me, it's about under/inner/overstanding the wheels within wheels circumnavigating within us and in the cosmos on a multidimensional level, which i have yet to understand, let alone integrate, but as we spoke about in this episode, it's a daily operation in this life journey.

Leslie, as always can be reached at her website
here on youtube

and on the

and my links:
email me if you're interesting in coming on the discussion with us and help dissolve the divides in the world and within ourselves


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