Exposing Harrison Cora For False Claim Of Me And Epaphras Cyberbullying Harrison And Zander

5 months ago


Me and Epaphras expose Harrison Cora from Georgia State for making false claims about cyberbullying Harrison White from England and Zander Bird from Montana State for sharing NSFW DeviantArt on My Little Pony fan groups on Facebook.
Both boys were sharing sexual art and harassing anyone who liked MLP G5. I dropped some diss tracks, and Epaphras made trolling posts to counter Harrison and Zander. But this is when a fellow member Harrison Cora claimed that me and Epaphras were cyberbullying too for going at the two ant-MLP G5 fans.
Harrison made a post trashing both sides, and then has been banned for attacking an admin and to stop the prevention of hate against G5 fans.
He claims he's a good guy, but what he did and no apologies to me has shown he isn't.

Dropping a diss track against someone isn't illegal. Taylor Swift does it all the time at her exes.

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