Take the Devil to Justice Energy Vlog

5 months ago

Take the Devil to Justice Energy Vlog title is from the date May 2, 2024 thus #15 the Devil card with addiction and obsession he can enslave you so resist his lures. Justice was found in the big amplitude power of 56 giving us 11 The master number of the ascended master like Yeshua or Buddha or Krishna. it is also hte Justice card will you deliver it farily and with balance.

The Schumann Resonance Today Disclousre news site. showed us Six Amplitudes today. The first power was 56 at 7:15 Am UTC thus we have Death being the result of a harsh justice upon the devil's minions. Our first double was an amplitude power of 52 at 8:15 and 9:15 AM UTC thus we have first temperance carefull guiding the chariot along the mountain path. then the devil take the reins causing all ot fear him though his power is limited. the next double amplitude power of 45 at 9:45 and 10:15 AMU"TC thus at first the Aquarius Moon enlightened the Hermit about unity. Then the Tower failed and the Hermit went within for inner wisdom on a new structure. OUr last amplitude power of 35 at 4:15 PM UTC thus we have The wheel of fortune bringing strong Karmic change that we may overcome the devil at the end of the Aeon. The quality power of 20 give us the Judgement card Gabriel's call to wake the sleepers to there ir mission for God at the end of the Aeon of pisces. The frequency average is 7.71 hertz thus we have the pesky devil again leading us astray with our addictions and obsessions lies and deceit.
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