TheDimStream LIVE! Stars Wars Episodes 1-3

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Join Alex and me for a live stream, tonight at 9:30 ET!


RonGreen1 Woohoo! My two favorite ladies on the interwebs. And the loveliest.

RonGreen1 I made up a new name today. I noticed a lot of girls are wearing high-waters. So I now call them climate change pants, as they wait for the oceans to rise. 😂

thrasybulus Tonight we will find out if they like the younger version of (who is it Captain Clark of Starfleet?) better than the older one.

MudderFetcher are you thinking of Doctor Vader...he was voiced by James Earl Haley ya know

thrasybulus @MudderFetcher Was he the Scottish guy or the black drag queen?

MudderFetcher drag queen

MudderFetcher Chris O'Dowd played the Scottish guy

thrasybulus The ladies are late again. I am shocked to find women late on this livestream.

RonGreen1 Not only are they late, they are also fashionable.

MudderFetcher got lost in the woods and found some bear I bet

JQuickDraw Supporter So is there "I ran into a bear in the woods and he had his way with me" erotica?

RonGreen1 What would a bear be doing in the woods?🤔😂

MudderFetcher 👩 🐻

thrasybulus Bears are in the woods to shit aren't they.

JQuickDraw Supporter Only if someone is watching

JQuickDraw Supporter I think

thrasybulus Another post intro start.

MudderFetcher pants that go to like mid-calf

JQuickDraw Supporter Aren't they capris?

thrasybulus RonGreen was the fourth comment.

JQuickDraw Supporter "Live long and prosper." - Emperor Palpatine, founder of the X-Men

thrasybulus Brooklyn 99 might be the worst work of Andre Braugher's career.

JQuickDraw Supporter He's more manly than a bear?

thrasybulus Aren't bears hairy gay dudes?

RonGreen1 Don't poke the bear.

thrasybulus @RonGreen1 Only if you carry a 10mm.

JQuickDraw Supporter And the woman they marry is their beard.

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ Hello

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ cp2077 has the worst romance choices

JQuickDraw Supporter Winky kinky what up

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ not much JQD, still floppy

JQuickDraw Supporter lol maybe this stream will get you on the straight and narrow

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ I had a female char in 2077, so I went lesbo judy, but the option for males is the smelly desert bitch

thrasybulus @alex seems to be into video game themed role playing. Save it for Cunt Corner.

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ I like roleplaying in games though

JQuickDraw Supporter I can recite the LGB acronym out to 10,000 places.

thrasybulus Romance is in its origin a derogatory term for people who read too much trash fiction. Roman a clefs in the early 19th century. They got their worldview from novels.

JQuickDraw Supporter Romance goes back way further than the 1800s. It has its roots in the idea of chivalric love back in the 1100s.

thrasybulus @TheDimOne You've seen House M.D.? Braugher is their for a season or so.

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ how is a penis a part of a womans body?

JQuickDraw Supporter When a man gives it to her

thrasybulus A woman with a penis is one of those japanese things isn't it?

JQuickDraw Supporter Yeah, but Alex, video games cause real world actions. You do it on the screen, you do it for reals. I heard that from [insert republican here].

JQuickDraw Supporter Well I have defeated foes in an otherworldly martial arts tournament and pulled their spines out the back of their heads.

thrasybulus Always go into the basement with a failing flashlight.

thrasybulus I make sarcastic comments on livestreams in my freetime.

thrasybulus I don't want to grow up. I'm a Toys 'R' Us kid.

RonGreen1 Glaze over. Now I want a donut.

thrasybulus @BigDigEnergy has finally started its opening sequence. Ladies be starting late tonight.

JQuickDraw Supporter I watched the first couple of seasons of Grey's Anatomy when it first aired, but was already burnt out on that type of drama. Patrick Dempsey was McDreamy or McSteamy? I think McDreamy right?

thrasybulus Her opening sequence in multiple minutes.

thrasybulus Grey's Anatomy is a primetime soap for women because "momma needs to watch her stories".

thrasybulus Ethics is for Aristotle.

thrasybulus @L is on. Night.

MudderFetcher don't watch Game of Thrones then lmao

JQuickDraw Supporter Well some shows have death built into the premise, like Murder She Wrote. It's literally in the name.

MudderFetcher I went back and added a pocket protector

JQuickDraw Supporter "Hey Beverly, can you do a favor for me?" "No, I'm busy this weekend." "What about now?" *puts on glasses*

MudderFetcher lmfao J

MudderFetcher you can turn the muddin hole into a noodlin pond

MudderFetcher I feel like Beverly was out there for an hour just making Backhoe jokes

JQuickDraw Supporter You should build a moat around your property.
OakPoke Supporter Good evening ladies and chat

RonGreen1 Beverly's Indian name is Swims with Geese.

MudderFetcher I made it two-third into Episode I before I gave-up...I tried lol
OakPoke Supporter Need a boat for the moat.

JQuickDraw Supporter lol I thought you meant Eastern Indians, so I was expecting her name to be something like "Swimanda Geesananda."
OakPoke Supporter Indian name is sitting potato
OakPoke Supporter MinneGooseHaha moat, close to Minnehaha falls.

JQuickDraw Supporter There were a few major issues with the prequels. 1) Lucas waited too long to make them, and beyond the continuity errors, it's clear his muse had moved on, as the movies are bland and uninspired.

MudderFetcher the dialog is pretty bad and some of the actors are questionable at best
OakPoke Supporter I want a prequel to Fight Club. Or American History X

JQuickDraw Supporter 2) By the end of the 3rd movie, it was OBVIOUS Lucas was just connecting dots to match up the prequels to the original trilogy.

JQuickDraw Supporter 3) Lucas needs someone to say no to him. For instance, he allowed Hayden Christensen to wear the Vader suit, even though he is too short, and a scene that should have been super intense was comical.

purpletiger69 There are only two Star Wars to watch A New Hope and The empire Srtikes back Maybe Return of the Jedi for Closure but all the rest were garbage

JQuickDraw Supporter Just fast forward through the Ewok scenes and watch the throne room drama from Jedi.

purpletiger69 Yes

MudderFetcher KotOR 1 & 2 were also releasing amidst the Prequels and it made a really stark contrast in quality

purpletiger69 I never played Kotor but I heard they were good

MudderFetcher I have a friend that insists Star Wars, basically all of it, is for kids so don't overthink something made to sell merch/toys

JQuickDraw Supporter The Last Jedi is an abomination of a movie. A lot of people think Rise of Skywalker is worse, but Rise reached its level of terrible-ness only because of TLJ.

purpletiger69 The Original Star Wars had a bad ass Solo that shot first.

JQuickDraw Supporter @MudderFetcher I hate when people have those kinds of takes. It's fine to not like something, but I can't imagine someone watching Vader's redemption at the end of Jedi and thinking its only for kids.

MudderFetcher he always points to the amount of toys/merch around the original trilogy and, of course, the Holiday Special lol

JQuickDraw Supporter My point was that he should have connected the prequels to the original trilogy more evenly, not wait until the last prequel movie to pick the kids names, explain Obi-Wan, surviving death, etc.

MudderFetcher I do love the Darth Jar Jar stuff lol

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ alex dropping the f bombs

JQuickDraw Supporter Yeah! I've never played KotOR and Alex even has me angry now.

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ is bev admitting her paedo tendancies

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ star wars is a trilogy, the other 6 are wanking off

JQuickDraw Supporter @MudderFetcher Yeah, there's also the weird takes Lucas has for what he thinks kids should see. Luke's aunt and uncle's burnt up bodies are totally for kids lol.
OakPoke Supporter Is Labyrinth too nasty for a children's movie? I saw it as a kid...

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ the never ending story made kids cry

JQuickDraw Supporter @OakPoke Well it has Bowie's crotch in those yoga pants lol
OakPoke Supporter Oh gross. Lucky as a child, ya don't. notice that. jeez...

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ play it, it's rumble we can

MudderFetcher I saw Alien/Aliens as a kid, Commando, Predator etc...ah to be an only child lmao

JQuickDraw Supporter lol Yeah Luke is a secret sociopath. He sees their bodies, kicks the dirt like a kid who was just grounded, then tells Obi-Wan he wants to go with him.
OakPoke Supporter Predator would be scary as a kid for sure.
OakPoke Supporter aliens was freaky...

MudderFetcher the facehugger under the bed gave me nightmare for weeks lol
OakPoke Supporter Mudder I remember commando. I saw most of Arnold's movies as a teen, there was 2 for 99 cents Tuesday for older movies. good times

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ kiera knightly is so awful
OakPoke Supporter I didn't watch X files , sister n dad did. I'm walking by 1 night and a bug goes in an ear and like invades the brain... it creeper me out for weeks

MudderFetcher yeah we did a big family movie night with all of the cousins and watched a lot of stuff kids shouldn't have

JQuickDraw Supporter Beverly, those aliens in the prequels had Asian accents because they were shrewd and crafty businessmen. Lucas was considering giving them old man Jewish accents, but thought that would be too much.
OakPoke Supporter Mudder, same here... somehow myself n a pal watched from dusk till dawn as 7th_8th graders... and show girls lmao
OakPoke Supporter @Jquick lmao

JQuickDraw Supporter And you totally watched it for the vampires and not Salma hayek dancing in a bikini.
OakPoke Supporter Alex is that rum you're drinking?

AlexofAllTrades VerifiedModerator No.
OakPoke Supporter Jquick we knew nudity was going to happen in both, but that's all we knew 👍

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ people actually watched show girls?

JQuickDraw Supporter @WinkyWankyWoo People also slow down on the highway to get a good look at a car crash.
OakPoke Supporter Winky we thought it was terrible and we were watching for nudity... from dusk till dawn was terrible as well...

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ duck till dawn is good though

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ when the mallard bites quentin

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ classic cinema
OakPoke Supporter Didn't like it.... I only watched it once, like show girls... oosh...
OakPoke Supporter I remember he kept calling the priest "padre".
OakPoke Supporter Scottsdale slideshoe sounds good.

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ oak, your generations vampire film is twilight

MudderFetcher just do a 3 hour analysis of Danzig's song Mother
OakPoke Supporter Winky idk. I watched the black n white Dracula in elementary school. it was good. saw the Bram stokers one with reeves at 14ish

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ christopher lee was best dracula
OakPoke Supporter was that the Keanu reeves one or?

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ no

JQuickDraw Supporter I liked Louie Jordan in the BBC 1977 Dracula. It stayed the closest to the book too.

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ was the 1970s ones

MudderFetcher Oldman is Dracula in the Reeves one right?

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ yes

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ I like the oldman dracula, I just prever lee
OakPoke Supporter oh wow.

JQuickDraw Supporter The Oldman Dracula is Coppola's movie, and I find it boring. And Anthony Hopkins was Van Helsing, and was way too hammy in the role.

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ Also, I like keanu, but he is fucking awful in that film

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ Oldman is good though, and thingy as mina is ok

MudderFetcher Danny DeVito
OakPoke Supporter Keanu reeves Dracula had nudity, and at 14ish, I was watching it for nudity for he most part. I think I liked it...

MudderFetcher and Anne Ramsey from Goonies

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ throw
OakPoke Supporter Twins with Danny Devito and Arnold Schwarzenegger was good.

MudderFetcher Liam Neeson playing a father figure who dies? I'm shocked!

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ come young kenobi, take a walk amongst these tombstones with me

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ kiera knightly and natalie portman are awful

MudderFetcher I just watch the prequels for Warwick Davis

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ they ruin ever film they are in

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ lucas was his father

JQuickDraw Supporter So Palpatine is like Yahweh, and he knocked up some random woman on a dirt ball planet in the middle of nowhere.
OakPoke Supporter Reddit
OakPoke Supporter Truly dysgenic
OakPoke Supporter Yo yo be making jokes

JQuickDraw Supporter Lucas tried to move his story from space opera fantasy to hard scifi with the midichlorians. It opens the door to all kinds of logical problems.

JQuickDraw Supporter They're a galaxy level civilization, but never thought to genetically engineer super powered force users (esentially gods) by creating people with extremely large amounts of midichlorians?

MudderFetcher "Get my Lightsaber. It's the one that says Bad Motherfucker on it." -Mace Windu

JQuickDraw Supporter "Get my lightsaber. It's the one with the blood of 60 kids on it." - Anakin Skywalker
OakPoke Supporter Mudder fetcher.. do you know the song my flight of the Conchords Moths Uckas? classic

MudderFetcher those were the Galaxy's first late-term abortions
OakPoke Supporter Mudder. it just occurred to me that is what your username reminds me of

MudderFetcher haven't seen Flight of the Conchords despite liking Jemaine Clement
OakPoke Supporter gotcha. it's a fine song, and a great series .. I liked season 1 a lot anyway. Very dry humor.

MudderFetcher it's on Max so I will check it out

MudderFetcher I thought it was a movie lol
OakPoke Supporter Right on right on... well, I wonder if they did a movie.m.

MudderFetcher the dialog is bad

MudderFetcher as in can't be saved by any actor bad kinda stuff
OakPoke Supporter Saving Silverman was a romance flick.

JQuickDraw Supporter Jango had several clone kids, but the movie only shows the one. There's Boba, Boobie, Bub, Barbra, Boondock, and Brandon.
OakPoke Supporter Starting to crash. In case, gn chat and ladies...

MudderFetcher don't forget little Banh Mi...poor kid
OakPoke Supporter I need an episode 3 or 4 of TDS. I want to see a world record broken.

JQuickDraw Supporter CG Yoda, also known as Ping Pong Yoda.

RonGreen1 Never forget Katrina. The police went house to house confiscating all firearms.
OakPoke Supporter True. That commie bix nood fella was keen. I think Biden brought him in.
OakPoke Supporter Hated the guy, but enjoyed when he told the media that they were "stuck on stupid". That was funny.
OakPoke Supporter Yeah there was black looting so they had to disarm whites protecting their property...makes sesne. SOBs.

MudderFetcher ILM was full bore CGI at that point

JQuickDraw Supporter Count Dookie

MudderFetcher yeah he's a Count damnit...use the title

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ wasnt there 3 sith
OakPoke Supporter Good night and God bless.

MudderFetcher night Oak

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ you had palpatine, and darth maul, but also count dooku

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ there is only meant to be 2 sith

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ the prequels make zero sense

WinkyWankyWoo Supporter++ 4-6 makes sense, 1-3 makes no sense, 7-9 are fucking garbage

JQuickDraw Supporter You touched on my biggest problem with the prequels. They tell Vader's story, and I don't buy his turning from good to evil. I don't see it. He just suddenly embraces the dark side.

MudderFetcher the KotOR games go into the different Lightsaber crystal colors

JQuickDraw Supporter My saber would be an oscillating rainbow prism of colors. It would be the LiGhT saBer of Queerness.
Quaser Hello again .

JQuickDraw Supporter @WinkyWankyWoo In my opinion, and people online hate this opinion lol, Darth Maul was a placeholder until Palpatine could find his "son," and Dooku was just a test for Anakin.

JQuickDraw Supporter He planned to have Anakin take his place as the second Sith Lord in the Rule of Two.

MudderFetcher it should've been Darth Moll so Richard Moll could play the role

JQuickDraw Supporter lol you joke, but Moll was really tall and imposing. He could have been a great sith, with proper writing and direction.

MudderFetcher I was only half-joking...he would've been so much fun lol

MudderFetcher re-watching Avatar The Last Airbender I had forgotten how great they were about not talking down to kids

JQuickDraw Supporter Imagine Moll as Darth Maul, seriously. He doesn't talk, so that helps avoid "Night Court" syndrome as I call it. He could be terrifying.

MudderFetcher the Prequels feel more cohesive as a trilogy than the Sequels but I'd have to watch them all again

JQuickDraw Supporter Technically the sequels aren't a trilogy because of TLJ. There is no consistent, coherent storyline through those movies. They're just three movies in the Star Wars universe.

MudderFetcher same as J said

JQuickDraw Supporter #1: 4/5/6, #2: 1/2/3, #3: 7/8/9

MudderFetcher 1-3 feel like a package whereas 7-9 just feel like some random Star Wars movies

JQuickDraw Supporter Ryan Johnson took the middle movie of a trilogy and proceeded to kill the main villain and eliminate the mystery of the hero's backstory. WTF?

JQuickDraw Supporter You didn't like A New Hope Part 2, I mean The Force Awakens???

MudderFetcher 7-9 are great aesthetically...for better people to use in better media like video games and spin-offs

MudderFetcher Sidious or something

MudderFetcher 7-9 were just forgettable for me

JQuickDraw Supporter I stopped watching Star Wars after The Last Jedi.

MudderFetcher I lump them in with 7-9 as forgettable

MudderFetcher as far as the newer stuff, I like The Mandalorian and the Respawn games

MudderFetcher no idea why it turned into cyberpunk/synthwave stuff but those are my faves

Qriist Supporter NERRRRRDS

Qriist Supporter good timing. I can show my support but not have to put up with a bunch of yapping women.

Qriist Supporter EVERYBODY WINS

JQuickDraw Supporter @Qriist They don't yap. They yammer.

MudderFetcher back to the woods the both of ya

Qriist Supporter @JQuickDraw that's the difference between a chihuahua and a Shitzhu. Still itty bitty noise makers.

JQuickDraw Supporter :r+thinking:


Qriist Supporter DO IT

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Beverly's Discord - Alex's Rumble - Alex's Stripe for Donations -

Qriist Supporter ALSO GIVE HER MONEY

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User Beverly's SubscribeStar for Donations - Beverly's Guilded - Alex's Discord -

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User

TheDimSide AdminRumble Premium User

Qriist Supporter night ladies and gents :)

MudderFetcher night everyone ♥️ 🍻

JQuickDraw Supporter lator gators
Quaser 👃👃

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