The "Zionist" death grip on the US since 1871.

10 months ago

The Zionist, explained somewhat in this video, but much better in documentaries I have posted, show they run business, banking, politicians, spending and as of this week, what the people can not talk about. Zionists, many claim to be jews, as in the case of the Rothschild's. The Rothschild's run and own Israel, the US. The US fights the battles, the Rothschild's want waged, so they can continue to profit from both sides.
JFK had everything set up, Israel and AIPAC would have to register as foreign agents to lobby the government, Congress, one month prior to his murder. Since his murder, no one has been brave enough, to stand up to this most powerful lobby group. How do you think Israel gets 3 million dollars a day? Besides the interest, debt, money laundering, printing of money, the Rothschild's wealth has increased from the US since WWI. To discuss that at all, then you can be labeled "a holocaust denier", an "anti-semite" (which was a term formerly used just for Arabs, not jews, but they high jacked the term). Watch some of the prior documentaries, that take deep dives into history, Biblical history concerning what many believe "the synagogue of satan" before our eyes. Put on the full armor of God.

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