Walking into Joy via Your Spirit - WWY L64

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So believe it or not, Walk with Yah (WWY) doesn’t always like to focus on the strategies of the enemy because there is so much more than that. But because of where we are in the world, and where people are at in their ‘walk’, and because of some other reasons, WWY is compelled often to start there (at least more people are becoming aware of demonic activity so that's good I supposed). Prayerfully this will change in time.

WWY at least tries to bring an awareness of the spiritual realities (in these livestreams) that affect us, knowingly or unknowingly, both negatively and positively.

I was involved in a car accident in Sep 2023 which almost took my life - multiple times. There has been a definite shift in my approach to life and even this ministry even though that has taken time to evolve.

This livestream is in large part affected by those changes in me and my outlook - even spiritually as I draw closer to Yah/God. I don’t doubt there is more coming but I wanted to share what I believe He wants me to share at this time.

I’ll be covering many different topics using different approaches all the while trying to explain how might this affect you?

In this livestream we are going to cover:
- WWY’s general approach and beliefs regarding biblical spirituality
- What does it mean to ‘walk’? What part does Balance play?
- The Love / Self-Control (Obedience, Submission) continuum
- Can our human spirits get defiled? Living by the carnal flesh
- Minding the matters of Heaven and how the enemy perverts that principle
- Thoughts on how to die to self in application
- Thoughts on what does walking the ‘in the Spirit’ actually mean?
- Putting it together: A Self-Deliverance Testimony
Yah/God telling me I have some work to do - on me!
- Regions of Captivity - a true tale of my own heart part-soul fragment imprisoned under the sea, dragons, a castle, etc.
- Does the Bible support this?
- My human spirit’s involvement and redemption
- Was that my imagination? Or did anything actually change?

You can have His Joy but do you know how to get there?

I believe this will help the Bible make sense in a way that you may not have seen before IF you can believe that we should be more about the spirit than the earthly carnal physical world as the Bible states. I pray so.

1Co 2:9 But as it has been written, “Eye has not seen, and ear has not heard, nor have entered into the heart of man what Elohim has prepared for those who love Him.” . . . . 14 But the natural man does not receive the matters of the Spirit of Elohim, for they are foolishness to him, and he is unable to know them, because they are spiritually discerned.


Join us on the 1st & 3rd Thursdays of the month @ 7:30 pm EST on YouTube or Facebook. Please chat your questions and/or comments.

Are YOU living the LIFE He died for YOU to have?
Spiritual Minister & Biblical Advocate

Real People, Real Problems,
Biblical solutions . . . even Supernatural solutions
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