Brother Nathanael Kapner: The New John the Baptist of America

5 months ago

Brother Nathanael Kapner: The New John the Baptist of America

Published on Dec 11, 2009

Jesus Christ the Father has sent us an urgently needed gift, an American treasure named Brother Nathanael Kapner, the new John the Baptist of America who has come to baptise America in the Name of Jesus Christ the Father and awaken us to the Truths we have been led away from by Zionism. Brother Kapner is travelling from coast to coast, awakening us to the impending danger and doom to our country, freedom of speech, constitutional rights, religion, family structure, and health. John the Baptist was a recluse who wore animal skins, ate locusts and wild honey, traveled as far as God the father allowed his to go, and fearlessly and openly critsized Herod the Edomite and his wife, which was punishible by death, but did not stop a great holy man, filled with the Great Holy Spirit, on a mission of the God. John the Baptist has reincarnated into Saint Nathnael, who lives the same life in the modern day, is fearlessly spreading the Word of Jesus Christ the Father, an faces the same dangers in order to awaken people before the second coming of Christ, just as John the Baptist did in his previous life. Please support Brother Kapner so he will be able to the spread the Word in order to save our republic's sovereignty and little freedoms we have left. Brother Kapner is our last chance in defeating the Zionist beast, for this John the Baptist reincarnate has the Power of Jesus Christ the Father on His side. Our future is bright as long Nathanael the Baptist travells throughout America and proclaims the Word to America, baptising them in the Holy Spirit once again, some for the first time, so they are finally awakened to righteousness and honor to Jesus Christ the Father and New JerUSAlem! Anyone with eyes to see, ears to hear, and a heart open to Jesus Christ the Father would see who Saint Nathanael Kapner really is. If not, you'll never understand. You just know and feel, something the snakes and serpents are numbed and dull to, just as they looked past, did not believe, or looked down upon John the Baptist and Jesus Christ 2,000 years ago, same story, different era. Only sincere, open hearts to Jesus Christ the Father will know who Saint Nathanael the Baptist really is.
Please visit Brother Kapner's website at and please follow his example of not accepting Zionist influence in your county, country, and life. When you sit down and do nothing, not opposing Zionism, you become a partaker in Zionist crimes, an accomplice to the criminal Zionist. There is no inbetween: either you are with Jesus Christ the Father or you are with Satan's children, the Zionists, whose crimes are documented and obvious to anyone who seeks reality, and at the end of times, THIS FINAL FACT WILL MATTER. Race and religion do not excuse nor cover up the facts. FACTS ARE THE FACTS, 2,000 years ago and now. Righteousness shall return through the Power of Jesus Christ the Father. Peace Be With you all.

Saint Nathanael the Baptist's website:

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