The Credentials Of Jesus Christ

9 months ago

In my lesson titled: The Credentials Of Jesus Christ ... I considered whether Jesus Christ has the credentials to rightly be called the "Son of God" and the "Lord."

While He walked the Earth... Jesus Christ made some bold claims! The teachings of the Bible elevate Him above the rest of mankind. As I spoke about Jesus Christ in this lesson... I discussed some of the claims that others have made about Him and some of the claims that He made about Himself.

This lesson has seven main sections in it. In the first main section... I considered some negative things that some people say and have said about Jesus Christ. These include:
1. He is not the Son of God.
2. He was not born of a virgin.
3. He is just a fable, a fairy-tale, a fake! He is just made up! Some have even gone so far as to say that He did not even exist!
4. He was a good man only... But... Nothing more!

In the second main section... I considered what Christians say and believe about Jesus Christ. These include:
1. He was the Son of God and still is!
2. He was miraculously conceived and born of a virgin.
3. He is the Savior of the world... And He is the only Savior!

In the third main section... I shared some external pieces of evidence that suggest that Jesus Christ did live and was the Son of God. These include:
1. The followers of Christ throughout the years.
2. Christianity in the world today.
3. The many books that have been written by both enemy and friend.
4. The Bible itself.

In the fourth main section... I shared some internal pieces of evidence that reveal that Jesus Christ was and is the Son of God. In this main section... I considered many of the testimonies that were given about Jesus Christ throughout the Bible. These include the testimony given by:
1. The Angel.
2. God the Father.
3. Peter.
4. The devils/demons.
5. Martha.
6. The disciples.
7. John the Baptist.
8. Nathanael.
9. Paul.
10. John.

In the fifth main section... I discussed how Christ Himself said that He was the Son of God.

In the sixth main section... I discussed some of the credentials that prove that Christ was and is the Divine Son of God. These include:
1. He was with God in the beginning.
2. He was miraculously conceived and born of the virgin Mary. You can read that account in Matthew 1.
3. He performed miracles.
4. He was resurrected from the dead. He conquered death. He will never die again.
5. He reigns in Heaven.
6. He built the church.
7. He will come again and judge the world.

In the seventh and final main section... I discussed how Jesus warned that others would come saying they were the Christ. He said not to believe them.

I hope this lesson will help those who do not believe that Jesus Christ is the Divine Son of God to consider why they do not believe in Him... And hopefully... That they will change their mind after considering the evidence that proves that He is. I also hope this lesson will encourage other Christians and help them to be more confident in defending our Lord Jesus Christ before others!

This lesson may challenge what you currently believe... And that is okay! I do not want you nor anyone to take my words as the final authority... Because they are not the final authority!

God's word is the ultimate and final authority in all spiritual matters! I only want you and others to accept the words that I have spoken in this lesson if they line up with what the Bible teaches.

I invite you to put the words that I have spoken in this lesson to the test... Go and search the Scriptures for yourself... And see if what I have said is true. Always check and make sure that what I teach and what anyone else teaches lines up with what the Bible teaches!

Be like the noble Bereans who "received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so" (Acts 17:11). In 1 Thessalonians 5:21... Paul said, "Test all things; hold fast what is good."

If you ever believe that I have taught something that does not line up with the Bible... Please reach out to me and let me know... Because I only want to teach that which the Bible teaches! You can contact me by sending an email to me at

Hit the Thumbs Up button if you find this lesson to be informative and edifying! Please leave a comment below on something that you found to be helpful in this lesson! I also encourage you to share this lesson with others!

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