087 They Delivered The Epistle (Acts 15:22-31) 1 of 2

8 months ago

CURRENT EVENTS UPDATE: (1) Israel at War 3/31/24 As "useful idiots" blame PM Netanyahu for the ongoing hostage situation with Hamas and news sites purporting to be "fair" and even "conservative" publish distorted, anti-Israel headlines and stories. (2) The Satanic Biden admin. bans religious art from the W.H. Easter contest and replaces Easter with "Transgender Day of Visibility". (3) The truth about the sham "Easter Sunday" and how it isn't (most years, nor this year) the actual date of the anniversary of the Bodily Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

In our study, we see a very simple, straightforward act of the local church in Jerusalem sending letters to the churches to inform them of Apostolic Doctrine. We see denominationalism refuted, local church independence and autonomy protected and we see how a REAL, Biblical local church simply reads and teaches the "letters" and books found in our Bible.

Also Reference: 1 Corinthians 10:23-29, Colossians 4:15-16, 1 Thessalonians 5:26-28, Acts 15:21, Nehemiah 8:1-8


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