Peace: What We Focus on, We Experience

4 months ago

May 29 - Peace: What We Focus on, We Experience
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Today, let us notice that we end up experiencing what we focus on. The choice of what we focus on is always ours to make. The more our thoughts, words and actions are focused on achieving a state of peace, the more peaceful our experiences will be. Equally so, the more our thoughts, words and actions are focused on chaos, the more chaotic our experiences will be. So let us practice making peace our focus today. As we do, we will reduce how much we blame the outer world for how we feel. The less we blame the outer world the, and we will take greater personal responsibility we take for our experiences. The more we make peace our conscious focus, the more it becomes the foundation of our experiences will become our natural state. In the end, after all is said and done, thanks to free will, it is we who get to decide how much peace we experience.

Today, remember that we experience what we place our thoughts and focus on. Thus the world we experience is not so much a function of what seems to be happening “out there,” but is instead a reflection of the thoughts that we are choosing to entertain. If we focus on the thoughts and energies of anxiousness, worry and stress, then our world will become a reflection of these fear-based patterns. Yet if we place our full focus on and trust in the Divine, then peace will become our constant companion. Now, the same fearful world that the ego had programmed us to see becomes a world that — under God’s protection and guidance — reflects our peaceful nature.
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