Original Taliban combat footage. Lone Survivor- Operation Red Wings Great gone Wrong

10 months ago

Full Translation for the entire 17+ minutes video: " This valley is under the control of the Mujahideen and they can roam around in it in broad daylight too.
News on the radio (female voice) in the background. Cuts to burst of fire... god is great". Another voice in the distance yelling " SURRENDER, SURRENDER!".
The Taliban making video, again, saying
"god is great" repeatedly with bullets firing, and reciting verses in Arabic, repeatedly. At 3:05 a fighter sensing
"victory" relays the news to the others, collectively repeating "god is great".
At 3:26: one yelling at the distance and saying who are you guys? The response: mentions something in Pashto, something also about RPGS, maybe around the lines "we are the RPG guys", this guy tells him to watch their backs as "these guys (Americans) ...not audible. 3:44: get down from it, the camera guy says the same thing too, and then in English: "we don't kill you, if you don't fight we don't kill you, hand up, hand up. The Taliban member in the distance calls a name "Gulistan (a)". camera guy "god is great", the other says it too. Recites on Arabic. At 4:30 :
The camera guy says "descend on them", the one in the distance says
"shoot, shoot". Bursts of gunfire..."god is great" collectively. 4:48: "shoot, shoot".
Recitation in Arabic. 5:15: The camera guy: "you brave young men, descend on them". Gunfire... 5:24 a voice in the distance relays info, but not audible, the camera guy and the say "shoot them, shoot them, shoot them", "god is great". Both tell the other Taliban "tell them to surrender, surrender". Let's get down guys. Camera guy 5:51 try to capture them alive".
6:00 discussion in the distance, camera guy English" if you don't fight we don't kill you", someone next to him tells him "stop with these anecdotes now". In the distance: "he is one of ours. The Taliban ahead visible on the screen says on the phone to the others "ok, ok we will not shoot towards your direction", tells his men "don't shoot too straight until you don't see... not audible". 6:37 He then says "be very careful and don't hurt yourselves.
Gunfire "god is great, shoot, shoot" gunfire, RPG sound. 7:40 "I can hear you, hear you, coming, let's go guys, run, run". 8:00: guys they reached the bottom, give the PK Machine-gunner some some ammos". Gunfire, RPG, 8:23 :”shoot, shoot, they will not surrender".
Gunfire continues "god is great", reciting in Arabic. 9:07 calm, 9:18 a dog barking in the distance. 9:24 gunfire again "god is great" 9:46: "shoot, shoot" in the distance, followed by more gunfire. 12:02 "get a close up of it". One asks "where is the other one? Only one has been shot? Response: "no, many of them have been shot ... camera, camera, there is one camera inside and more...pick them up, did you pick them up? Yes". 12:22: about the Camera "This is a trophy".chatter."god is great" collectively.
1. 37: Helicopter hoovering in the distance, camera guy "one American helicopter, with the help of god, has been shot down, and that one- god willing- will meet the same fate"
2. 04 : "These items are trophies that on the date June 28, 2005, as the result of an operation conducted by the Mujahideen [Taliban] in Kunar province in the district of manogee, have been captured from the Americans. Not to mention, this is one half of the collection of trophies, some are with the Mujahideen at their homes and, once we collect them, will make a video of them too."
3. 13:33 man speaks in ARABIC, some Pashto sentences too, some words
4. "gps, night vision, counting..operation equipment...there is a nightvision binocular installed on top of it...thank god. Turned it on...they had this on their helmets, this gun was used against the mujahideen [Taliban], we have three of these, 2 with the other Taliban men, we will make a video of those too.. 15:18 vill lllane a viueu vI uluse luu.. 10.10
5. someone in URDU language says "hurry up brothers". Then the other one says in Pashto: "this the 3rd helmet & the 4th, put the 4th helmet next to them... like that..we will use these against them'.
6. 15:50 "we captured these trophies, and this device; they put it on the ground to signal the helicopters/planes about their coordinates, and this was is a card... flash system...flash... that they take photos with it from afar and identifies the target with. Take a picture of it and get the card from him.".
16:46 one pointing the captured weapon the other says "this uses a laser...take a step back, keep walking back and turned the camera off".."take this PK with you".

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