As Chairman of the House Select Committee on the strategic competition with the CCP

9 months ago

As Chairman of the House Select Committee on the strategic competition with the Chinese Communist Party, John Moolenaar: I have witnessed firsthand the CCP's relentless efforts to undermine America's values and sovereignty. We'll intensify efforts to deter CCP's military aggression, prevent technology theft, and strengthen partnerships worldwide. The CCP fears a united America, and with bipartisan resolve, we'll continue to counter the CCP and promote American strength globally.

美国与中共战略竞争特别委员会的新任主席,约翰·穆罗尔表示:我亲眼目睹了 #中共为破坏美国的价值观和主权所做的不懈努力。我们将加大力遏制中共的军事挑衅,防止技术盗窃,并加强全球伙伴关系。 #中共害怕团结的美国,而凭借两党的决心,我们将继续对抗中共并在全球范围内提升美国的实力

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