"Least of These" by Jay Smith - NickV Ministries: Nick Vujicic Ministries

8 months ago

"Least of These" was recorded at the Champions for the Brokenhearted Gala, and was written by LWL COO, Jay Smith. The lyrics are taken from Matthew 25, where Jesus said, "When you've done it for the least of these, you've done it for Me." Special thanks to Emily Burak (Violin) and Tess Crowther (Cello).

To watch the whole Champions for the Brokenhearted Gala go to https://nickvministries.org/champions/. (Available in 36 languages.)

Least of These
Jay Smith - 2021

When were you alone?
Hungry and poor, no bread to eat, no clothes to wear
When were you alone?
Locked in your cell, no place to hide, a slave to hell

When you’ve done it for the least of these
You’ve done it to for me
When you’ve rescued the orphan one
You’ve rescued me

Fight for my daughters, Fight for my sons
Fight when no one else sees them
Fight for the outcast, The broken ones
Be the hands and feet of Jesus

You’ve done it for me,
When you’ve done it for the least of these
You’ve done it for me
When you’ve done it for humanity

© 2000 NC General Public License, "Free Use" permitted. This musical work may be freely sung, modified, translated, printed, distributed, & recorded, without the permission of its author under the terms of the NC General Public License as published by No Compromise version 1 or later.

For more information about NickV Ministries please visit http://nickvministries.org

Champions for the Brokenhearted: https://nickvministries.org/champions/the-unborn/

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