KEN O'KEEFE: International Law, Terrorism & ICC Arrest Warrants for Israel

10 months ago

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Ken O'Keefe/KOK69 @KenOKeefe1TJP

Does it make me feel better that I was reporting in Gaza as early as 2008 and fighting to break the blockade of Gaza and expose Israeli War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity and yes, Genocide all this time?

The answer to this is yes & no. Yes, because I did the right thing (and risked my life for the privilege). No, because my family are being Genocided right now in Gaza & every time I have an exchange with them I know they may be dead any moment. Nonetheless, I sleep well at night and am as happy as a man can be given the horrendous unacceptability of the world we currently inhabit.

To those sending me love, let it be known, I receive that love in a myriad of ways so thank you, God Bless all of you challenging yourselves to do more. TJP

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