AWK-5.1.24:Final BATTLE-I am the STORM-If HE wins-stage is SET-Enemy Death Spiral-Ad Free!

4 months ago

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I’m a fan of LT from And We Know. Here’s the latest episode without ads. Enjoy! ;- )

Episode Description:
He said Trump looked at him calmly and said, “I am the storm.” 👀
Trump surrounded by military leaders in October 2017 tells a bewildered media that this image represents "the calm before the storm."
TIME Magazine writer Eric Cortellessa acknowledged that the 81-year-old Democrat incumbent Joe Biden
🔥FLORIDA AIN’T PLAYING: Florida police deploy tear gas to clear the Hamas camp at the University of South Florida.
Chaotic scene at UNC in North Carolina.
BREAKING: Secretary Lloyd Austin ADMITS likelihood of shooting warfare between U.S. service members and Gaza forces soon
Crooked Joe Biden has decimated America's auto industry — and Michigan workers know it.
This is Joe Biden's America.
🐥- Dan Scavino Jr
These occupations are being coordinated by the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USCPR)
Listen to Mark Francois
The WHO is attempting to grant the WHO Director-General—an "unelected" and "unaccountable" individual—"unprecedented levels of power"
AstraZeneca…told you so
In 2019 when I was discussing the possibility of Trump being indicted.
These were the key Q’s
➡️ ICYMI: El Salvador President Nayib Bukele Gathers Every Official in Executive Branch of His Govt and Makes Surprise Announcement Bukele asks the country’s Attorney General to investigate all of them for bribery.
BREAKING: WOW! Ukranian born Congresswoman Victoria Spartz just admitted billions of our tax dollars given to Ukraine is a "slush fund"

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