Dr. Jan Halper Hayes: Was Trump Recruited by The Military?

10 months ago

Dr Jan Halper-Hayes burst onto the scene in the United States with her revelation supporting the idea that the white hats "have it all" in reference to the stolen 2020 election which implanted the traitor known as "Joe Biden".

Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes, a Republican Commentator and former VP of Republicans Overseas, who now sits at a DOD Taskforce, in this interview, talks of the US being a bankrupt corporation. Trump has basically dissolved the Corporation (he does after all, know a thing or two about bankruptcy), and has reinstated the Republic!

She also discusses his trip to visit the Queen, the gold and the Vatican… And how Trump has the ‘goods’ on the 2020 election fraud but chose not to present them early on, because it would have caused a civil war and “he really felt that people needed to see how bad it could get.”

“On September 12, 2018, by Executive Order 13848, the President declared a national emergency pursuant to the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 etseq.) to deal with the unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States constituted by the threat of foreign interference in or undermining public confidence in United States elections.”

On the 12th of September 2021 the extension of EO 13848 was coming to an end BUT surprisingly, Biden signed another extension on the 7th of September 2021.

Why did Biden sign the extension of the above EO?

Hear what else she had to share!

Dr. Jan Halper Hayes: Was Trump Recruited by The Military?

Situation Update Co



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