BNN (Brandenburg News Network) 5/2/2024 John Ferguson, Reagan Box & Paul Venable

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9am Ralph the IT Guy and Karen the Riveter! News and encouragement

9:30am John Ferguson is a military veteran who has over 25 years of experience in terrestrial and subsea remote system technology in the energy, infrastructure, and security industries. John is the founder of Saxon Unmanned. Saxon Unmanned is a manufacturer of long endurance, custom remote aircraft systems with over 25 years of experience in solution development for global air and sea applications. Saxon utilizes advanced propulsion technology to develop aircraft able to achieve flight durations that substantially outclass competitors. John is also the owner of Patriots Coffee. "Patriots Coffee Company, where we proudly blend the rich heritage of American patriotism with the finest coffee beans sourced from around the world. Our journey began in 2002, fueled by a profound respect for the values and principles that define our nation. We stand unwavering in our commitment to safeguarding these cherished ideals against any who seek to undermine them."

Reagan Box is running for the Senate in Georgia. "As a conservative Christian, I am pro-life and fully support the 1st and 2nd Amendments. I love this country, and as I’ve pondered the many problems we are facing as a nation, I have prayed often over what I, a regular American, could do to address the issues we face. And, in July of last year, I believe God gave me the answer. I need to be the change that I want to see. Our country was built by regular Americans just like me. Our Founding Fathers didn’t sign their death warrants when they signed the Declaration of Independence for me to be quiet and do nothing while our nation deteriorates. So, I am putting on a new hat – Candidate. Not to pursue affluence or wealth, but to get in the ring and fight for regular, working Americans who are struggling daily to provide for themselves and their families. I am working with freedom loving Patriot organizations like Georgia Right to Life, Tactical Civics,, the Georgia Republican Assembly, and the National Federation of Republican Assemblies. But, to do this will take more – it will take support from many people throughout the great state of Georgia. I am asking you to get in the ring with me and help me fight to take back our rights and secure freedom and prosperity for our future generations. Any and all contributions are welcome and appreciated, and will be used wisely in pursuit of this great task ahead.

10:30am Paul Venable was born in Columbus, Ohio.Venable graduated from East High School in Columbus, Ohio, in 1972. His career experience includes working as an information technology consultant, an at-home advisor supervisor with Teleperformance, and a consultant with Hewlett-Packard. Venable has served as the chairman of the Constitution Party of Missouri. Paul is the Midwest Area Chair for the Constitution Party and recently put in his hat to win the nomination for President for the Constitution Party.

Watch on BNN:

Guests: Donna Brandenburg, John Ferguson, Reagan Box, Paul Venable, Ralph the IT Guy, Karen the Riveter

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